Tongue tie


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Jun 29, 2010
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Hi ladies, just wondering if anyone on here has any experience with tongue tie.

My little 2 and a half week old son has a tongue tie, but it isn't too severe. He feeds well, doesn't make me sore, he sleeps loads at night. However I have been reading up on tongue tie and apparently as hes so small he feeds so frequently but if this doesn't improve as he grows, he should feed less frequently the bigger he gets, then that means that his tongue tie is causing him problems.

It appears in the US they are hot on this sort of thing, but here in the UK the midwives all give me different opinions which is really confusing for me. I don't see the midwives any more so I can talk to my health visitor but I don't think there is tonnes of knowledge on the subject and I feel like I get a lot of conflicting evidence on the subject so I just wondered if anyone has any straight forward advice or anyone knows this stuff - thanks so much if you can help! x
Hi it took 7 weeks for my daughters to get diagnosed after I kept going back. She was ok at feeding but I did have the odd problem here and there henchmen why I kept going back. I decided to have hers cut as later on it can cause problems with speech and dental care. I used a company called the association of tongue tie they are based all over the course try and are midwifes or lactation consultants. They have to prove to the website they have all the relevant qualifications ect. The lady I used came over to our house and had a look she then said if she thought it was worth having it done or not. We had hers done and yes it was very very traumatic when she had it done but she feeds better now and I know it's one less thing to do when she is older and is more aware. Hope this helps x
Yes that really helps thank you, I have the odd problem too it isn't all the time but it is mostly a problem during the day, I am going to contact the health visitor today and try get her to refer me as we were referred originally and when I got there they said they wouldn't do it! So I think I am going to have to go back and just insist that it is done.

How traumatic was it?? Do you just feed them straight after? xx
Nhs had a long waiting list and I wanted it done asap. Finding someone on that site meant she could have it done the next day. My local breastfeeding clinic told me about a private clinic which was local but it had a couple of days waiting. The lady came over and swaddled her and then cut it a few times. I was in the other room and my husband had to hold her down. Once it was done I came in al of is was crying and had to feed her. We then had to do exercises with her every 3 hrs even in the night.
It took 5 months for my son's to get diagnosed. We're still waiting for it to be cut and our follow up appointment has been cancelled 4 times. He was feeding from me 2 hourly right up until 10 months old. It affected his eating because he snacked so was always hungry, and because of that he didn't sleep. Go to a lactation consultant, they are the only ones properly trained in tongue tie.
Well after doing my research the lactation consultants aren't even that well trained in tongue tie either but he gained 2lbs since birth at 3 weeks old, so I am reluctant to get it done but at the same time I want him to go a little longer than 2 hourly feeds but hes still so young! He will be 4 weeks on monday. I took him to the cranial osteopath yesterday which was interesting, he said his tongue tie isn't a severe one but it is there, its posterior and he watched us feeding and said that it wasn't too bad and his latch has improved already. I don't know what to do to be honest! xx
It might be worth getting it cut so it's out the way?

Both my boys have tongue tie. My first did have trouble latching at first but then got it and gained weight quickly so I never had it snipped. He is now two and it's not affecting his speech at all, it's definitely got looser by itself over the years. My second baby is only two weeks but he latched straight away and is gaining weight so again I'm not going to get it snipped. The HV said she would refer me if I wanted by I spoke to midwife and agreed as long as he's feeding and gaining weight to leave it.

A few of my friends babies had tongue tie and were struggling to feed they had it snipped and it made no difference so swapped to formula anyway.
Hi, I'm just wondering what the OP did about the tongue tie? I've got the same issue that my 4 week old is still doing 2 hourly feeds day and night. He is gaining weight but should be going longer between feeds by now. He has a smal posterior tongue tie and I can't decide whether to get it cut or not and if there'll be any improvement if I do?
Just throwing it out there but my daughter was tongue tied, had no signs of a bad latch and poor feeding. We did however still decide to get it cut (it was quite a severve tongue tie, I was worried about speech and stupid things like not being able to stick her tongue out! Anyways it wasn't until after her cut that I realised it was holding her back, she then had massive weight gains, fed for much longer, started doing massive poos! All signs that she was now fully getting what she needed and that she possibly wasn't before. If I had gone by her latch and gain I wouldn't never have thought there was an issue. Really glad I did it but as I said her tie was very limiting! It all depends on the baby.

On another note i found the whole getting it cut quiet awful. She was 8 weeks and it seems a bit barbaric! But atleast she won't remember x


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