Tips for exhaustion?


Well-Known Member
Feb 21, 2012
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Hi everyone

Just wondering if anyone has any advice for coping with 3rd trimester exhaustion?

Currently 34.5 weeks with baby number 2 and am really struggling I'm just so so tired and am finding myself getting so ratty with everyone including ds 😟 I can literally do something for about 30mins before I feel weak and need to sit down. Already on iron tablets and had levels rechecked the other day. Just so glad I'm having a section at 39 weeks and won't be going overdue like last time - I don't think I could cope!
No tips. Just want to say you are not alone. I'm knackered and ratty all the time too. Working and already having a child is knackering and that is despite being pregnant. So now I'm exhausted. I have been trying to get everything done and sorted but realised there is only so much we can do and ask for help when we can. Xx
I guess just nap whenever you can, which isn't easy, I know!
Thanks girls it does help to know you're not alone! I def wasn't this tired last time round so must be having a toddler! Only 2 more weeks at work and then hopefully I'll get a little bit more rest!
I've been exhausted for the past couple of weeks too (from about 34!)
I finished work last week and have really tired myself out. Everyone keeps telling me to relax but I find it very difficult. The only thing that has worked for me is hypnotherapy.
I've used it before pregnancy and has really worked. We are practising hypnobirthing so I listen to my cd every night anyway.
But if you can find a stress/relaxation cd (or MP3 via YouTube) stick it on and have a lay down. If you're anything like me you'll fall asleep in the first 10 minutes and wake up totally relaxed and refreshed. Honestly worth a try!
I've listened to these during the day too:

I'm using the Katherine Graves CD and book for the hypnobirthing if interested.
Hope you feel better :)
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