Time to tell?


Well-Known Member
Apr 15, 2005
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I know i have only just found out that i am preganant but i wondered how long i should leave it before we break the news to our families and friends?

Also at what time can i expect to start showing roughly?

:D I am just :) so excited!
Hi there,

I'm telling my parents this week (week 8) - surpsising my Mum on her birthday, but we're waiting until the 12th week before telling anyone besides immediate family. That's what a lot of people recommend as after the 12th week the risk of miscarriage is minimal.

It's worked out perfectly for me as I'm a teacher so I'll just be able to tell everyone when I go back to work at end of august.
It's up to you when you tell people but a lot of people leave it until 12 weeks as you risk of miscarriage drops and normally you'll have a scan around that time so you know everything is going ok, i told my parents at 8 weeks because i was emigrating.

I noticed my belly getting bigger around 10 weeks but other people didn't notice until around 17 weeks.

Congratulations and good luck with the pregnancy :)
Hi hun,

Nice to see you here!!

I just PM'd you about this. I never understand why people wait so long to tell people. I always tell people really early as if (god forbid) I did suffer a miscarriage then I would want everyone to know what was wrong and to help me through it, I can't think of anything worse than telling people 'I was pregant but now I have had a miscarriage' - its so much for people to take on board that they run a mile and don't know what to say, where as if they know about the pregnancy then they are more likely to be able to support you.

Anyway, this is just my feeling and I don't expect everyone to agree. We all have to do what we feel is right for us and our families.

Much love
Oh, forgot to add......

with my first I started to show about 12-16 weeks where as now with my third I am showing already at 8-9 weeks!!!

Much love
My mum knew straight away as she was the one that went and got me a proper test (had been using Ebay cheapies), also told DH's mum and dad when we found out and my siblings, but then we waited to tell everyone else until my 12 week scan as I was terrified that if I lost the baby there would be loads of people I'd have to tell.
I started displaying a proper bump at 11.5 weeks. I got a load of stretching pain for about 24 hours and the bump kind of just popped out virtually overnight! And everyone noticed straight away.

Soon after that I had the scan and now everyone knows! i can't really hide it though. Anyone that hasn't been told has just guessed!

Hi All!

I honestly could not sya when the best time to tell ppl that your preg! I think deep down u will know when is right...
I am 21wks and 4 days and just starting to show now, It's so great I love my little bump...

I hope all your pregnancies are going well!
Love Danielle and Bubble xx
i told everyone straight away, some people say wait some say go for it. From a personal experience i was so excited like you that I could not wait and wanted to share the news. They only say wait a bit on the work side as they can get a bit funny sometimes (they did with me - long story).

We all show at diff times, it depends on our height and weight so it's hard to tell when you will show but prob not for a few weeks yet ;)
Hi everyone!

I have arrived in pakistan (previous post!) and it's damn hot here! Anyway, can't disconnect from this forum, so just thought I'd pop in for a while :)

For me, I found out I was pregnant at 6 weeks, but I was suffering from severe paisn, and we thought it could be an ectopic pregnancy. So, I had to tell my head of department (I am a teacher!) and the person responsible for personnel and absences at the school. we decided to wait to tell anyone in the family till we know about the ectopic, and a week later, just after the scan, we told our parents. I have since them told a couple of close friends, but no one else...waiting for the 12th week for this.
I agree with previous post that when you are excited, it is very hard to keep it as a secret, and i also agree that if, God's forbid, there was a problem with my pregnancy, I would like to have people around me helping to go through it. That's why i have told my very good friends, and close family. The rest can wait...
I am just 10 weeks, and I can feel i have started to "swell", but I don't think anyone can tell yet...
When i get back to school in September, it might be a different story...can't wait for that! :)

love to all
Mel xx
I didnt plan on telling any one untill afer the first scan, except a few close friends the OH and well thats it. My mum guessed tho bout two weeks before my first scan, but told her she wasnt aloud to tell any one, now all that knows are my friends close family, sistas nan etc, and a few other selected family members. I told my boss for safety reasons and all, but dnt plan on tellin ne one eles the can all jus guess, or find out thro others, like my ex did, lol, he honed me up and demanded i tell him if i was pregnant or not, lol.

bec x x x
i was wondering about this too!

We've told my mum, cos I see her all the time and just want her support and can ask advice etc! she told my dad and brother, but I don't mind.. lol

haven't told anyone else yet, although I really want to tell my best friend, cos she's preg too, 6 weeks further along than me! so I really want to tell her so we can 'share' the experience, do you think I should tell her?

I have to tell my manager at work tomorrow :? cos I'm off sick today with a migraine, which would have gone away if I had taken pain killers, and I could have gone into work, but as I can't take painkillers at the mo, I had to suffer the full length of it! :(

Personally I am too soooo excited and just want to shout it from the rooftops!

I say just tell whoever you want whenever you want.. I would definitely tell a close friend if she was pregnant too.. ideal mate to have at times like this!!!

I agree that there is an element of worry when telling before the "12 week" mark but to be honest I don't think I will feel more confident at 12 weeks and I would rather have everyone's support.

To be honest I have only told a handful of people, we have not told our families or some of our close friends as my sis is getting married next month and she suffered a m/c late last year so I don't want anything to upset her near her big day and my parents will just not be able to keep it a secret so we have agreed to wait until my sis is married then we will tell the world.

I worry every day about m/c etc and wish the world knew so I could talk to more people and get support but I am trying to be patient!!

just go with the flow...... good luck
Awww thanks everyone, we have decided that due to bad morning sickness :D :lol: we are having the PG confirmed on Thirsdfay afternoon, then we will tell a few people. I am of the opinion like Kerry that if all goes wrong i will have support.

So excited about it all i want a big fat bump now!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

:oops: Sorry about that i am so excited though!
I found at at almost 6 weeks and have told everyone I was so excited! I needed to tell my boss anyway and cos I work in operating theatres there are some things I can't do so people needed to know really or they might have just thought I was being lazy.
I agree that if anything did happen I'd want the support from everyone plus am trying to think that nothing will happen, keeping positive. My GP was great and let me go for an early scan today. I could clearly see the sac but you could just see the heart beating, a tiny flickering spot. Bless it, it was beautiful! Apparently it is 2mm long (the baby not the heart). Wow!
I'm 6 weeks now and also can't wait for a big fat bump but also can't wait for the 12 week scan to see even more
I am dying to tell everyone - gradually telling my closes friends.. my OH and I decided that as long as our families don't find out until after my sis's wedding then we can tell anyone else... I just cannot keep secrets so luckily I won't be seeing our families until day of wedding and by then I will be almost 11 weeks gone.....

I will tell my boss around then too although I think he is suspicious already because I am in the loo almost all day and I am suddenly eating fruit and veg instead of crisps and chocolate!!!

I just wish time would go a bit faster!!! Every day seems to drag and drag...

:( :D
im like kerry i told everyone as soon as i knew!!! i was so excited and pleased and wanted to share that with friend and family also like kerry said it nice to have support if things are not right. im also on my third and have a little bump already but with my first i did not show until 14 weeks ish. sorry to here you sick and good luck breaking your exciting news to all!! take care

sarah x
Becareful telling friends before family could have a really bad outcome, what would your parents say if they hear it from someone else or find out that they were the last to know, if you explain to then about your sister and your worries i'm sure they wouldn't tell anyone.

Goodluck all of you telling people :)
Manda I take your point about family and friends and being risky.. luckily we have a wide selection of unrelated friends etc who are scattered all over the world and are not likely to meet [maybe when we get married perhaps they will!!] but to be honest I would like to tell them all but my parents are worried enough about my sis's wedding as it is being held at my parents house... stress city there these days!!

I am sure my sis will guess anyway as I have to endure a hen night without any booze.. she will know something is up as I used to be such a vodka chic!!


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