Thrush? Should I go to docs?


Well-Known Member
Jul 24, 2011
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LO had thrush at the beginning and she was given Nystatin for it, finished the course about 2 weeks ago and it seemed to have cleared up and I had no symptoms. Anyhoo just noticed she has a wee white spot in one cheek and has started fussing when feeding. I've also been getting a sharp shooting pain in both breasts when she feeds, its quite high up, right inside, its got worse as the day goes on and is quite sore now. Only when shes feeding, do you think this is thrush and we are just passing it back and too? should i call the HV tomorrow or just ring the docs and make an appointment, annoyingly HV was here this morning but I hadnt noticed it then, its just got bad this afternoon.
Definately go to the docs!! I had pain in my nipples for 3 weeks and because I had no symptoms other than pain, docs, midwives and HV said it wasn't thrush. Lo didn't have any symptoms. I knew it was thrush but no one would believe me, anyway after 3 and a half weeks of suffering lo ended up with awful thrush all over her mouth, I had given it to her :cry:. Lo had 2 courses of nystatin and then daktarin (I had daktarinn too) it took 3 weeks to clear but after that lo was exclusively bf no more:cry: I was in so much pain I had to offer formula. I was so angry that no one had listened.

Go and get checked out, it can't hurt xxxx
Got an appointment on Monday :) yay! Not got any worse yet tho which is good :) x
Brilliant!! Fingers crossed it's nothing xxx

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