Thrush - Pessary question


Well-Known Member
Nov 16, 2012
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I seem to have thrush .... It's sore, red & blooming itchy.

I still got the pessary & half a tub of cream from last time.

Can I use the pessary at 19 weeks ?
Hey hun. Ive had thrush now over a week and I'm fed up had swabs done and sent off now.
Pessary is safe to use hun. Some women don't like to use them when pregnant due to damaging the cervix whic scared me as I only found this out after I had put it in.
Spoke to my doctor and she said its perfectly safe and prefers women to use the applicator due to preventing further infection and to damage your cervix
You would have to be extremely rough and stick it up around 8inches!!!!
Just go slow with it hun but I wouldn't Reccomend fingers due to what my doctor said

Ps if in third trimester then they do advise you not to use it (from 35+) because
Your cervix becomes
More anterior and low xxx
Wow 8 inches! As it got to be that far.

I'm sooooo uncomfortable tonight, it's not getting easier :-(

I was using sumo cream on it last few days as thought I some how cut myself, think I've made it worse
Re read what you wrote. I've put it in about 1 fingers worth, hoping it will work.

How soon would I expect results ?
Mine worked straight away, had a 3 day course & used it at night whilst I slept. Used my finger to insert & it hasn't been back since. I'm now 29 weeks x
I'm still sore/itchy on the opening. So hopefully by the time I sleep & wake up.

Surprising how horrible & uncomfortable it is. I just expected a little itch :/
Yes hun mine was about a fingers worth too and took around 3 days for it to come out!!!!!
Im still showing some symptoms hence my swabs I may need something stronger :( x
A lot of white chalky stuff comes out afterwards hence why they say to wear a pad hun. It's not nice :(
I'm still putting cream on 3 times a day x
Thanks ! Found that out at work today :-/

Feeling better today though ! Presume the chalky stuff is the pessary
Is this the canesten you can get over the counter? Or do you have to get prescription from docs? Xx
I bought mine in Tesco last month. Cannisten combi
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