Those without the perfect prep...


Well-Known Member
Oct 23, 2013
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How do you do your night bottles? Or do you go down and make them when bub wakes? Silly question I know but Issy is now going onto comfort which don't come pre made which is what I've been using at night so far...

Thanks ladies xxx
I got the tommee tippee flask.thing, it works.perfectly and only costs about a tenner :) xx
this is an absolute no-no (well sort of) but i make 2 up and store them in the fridge prior to bedtime, then when LO wakes i just boil the kettle so i have hot water to warm them up in a bowl.

I think i read on the WHO guidelines that you can store formula in the fridge for 24hours - so far it hasn't caused my LO any issues and I only do it for the night feeds/first thing in the morning.
Before we had our perfect prep and we were using prescription formula, we made up the feeds as we went along. Tbh, it was horrific as our daughter woke crying and then had to wait over 30 minutes for the wretched bottle to be cool enough to drink (plunged it into a jug of ice water, but still took ages to cool down). In hindsight it probably would have been better to keep a flask of boiled water for night feeds as I believe the temp will remain high enough to kill any bacteria in the powder.
Thank you for the responses ladies, awh Ella that sounds awful and that's the exact thing I want to avoid, cos when my girl is hungry she's desperate for her bottle!
We used to make them up before bed and just heat in microwave for 40 secs then shake give tousle to get rid of hotspots ... I know it's a no no but he never had any problems with him. Now he sleeps through so no issues (although we still premake them a few at a time. When he's hungry he gives no warning so if he's hungry early (we do feeds every 2.5 hrs during the day) he just screams to a point he's so upset you can't feed him without him puking
I followed the guidelines and always made bottles fresh, even at night and found it fine. Then when she was a bit older I started filling a flask of boiling water before bed and using that at her 4am feed.
When LO was waking at 2/3am we made it up before going to bed and put it in the fridge. When he started going until 6am I preferred to get up about 5.45am and make the bottle as I didn't want to store them for that long.
You could always have cool boiled water in fridge

So if your LO is on 5oz- have 3oz in fridge , then have 2oz boiled water or flask hot water - mix the power with the hot shot to kill any germs and then mix with the cool water to make a warm bottle?

I have a prep but packed it away last night for holiday and the above is how I
Made bottles last night/this morning :)
I used to feed my little uns at around midnight and make up another 2 bottles of boiling water and put them in the bottle warming bags and leave them next to my bed. I measured out my powder in to the little pots and just added them when needed. Usually the 3/4am feed was still warmish, and the 6/7am feed was room temp. Both my kids were happy enough with this arrangement!
How do you do your night bottles? Or do you go down and make them when bub wakes? Silly question I know but Issy is now going onto comfort which don't come pre made which is what I've been using at night so far...

Thanks ladies xxx

When my LO was on formula we used the tommee tippie flask. Before bed id fill with boiling hot kettle water & have his bottles with X amount of sterlised water in.. When he was due a feed id top up th bottles with thr boiling flask water & add formula..
We did this in thr day aswell, always made up his bottles with water and leave on the sode with lids on and add boilin water & fomula when needed.

Found this th easiest and quickiest way for us and Noah so he wasnt waiting to long.
Hes 1yrs old tomorrow and heathly & happy, so no issues making it up this way xx
I know you are not supposed to but I do make Josephs bottles in advance. I make enough on a morning to get me through to bed time and then make another batch for over night. We have a kettle in our bedroom have had since Joseph was born so I can warm his bottle up. He is passed the night feeds now but I give him his bedtime bottle, his midnight dreamfeed bottle and his 8.30am bottle upstairs. I have always done this and we have never had a problem x

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