This is Probably Odd


Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2005
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does anyone else ever worry that they might do something terrible to their baby by prodding at their bump?

She's been pushing up very hard against my ribs and diaphragm so I was sort of poking about trying to work out which bit of her was causing me such a pain, but then I worry that I'll dent her little head or something.

I think I'm just being silly, but am I the only one...?
No it's not stupid hun, I've thought that too - I don't wanna prod incase I get his eye and blind him or something (which is stupid though as he is usually head down).

In the back of my mind I know he is very well protected, but I still can't help but think that I might hurt him!
My mum told me months ago not to prod my bump as the baby will come out with a birth mark :roll:

They are so well protected in there inside their little bubble, don't worry about it!
don't worry, you wont hurt him/her! just think how rough the midwives are sometimes when they have a feel of baby! like today my MW struggled to find my LO's heartbeat as he was just moving away and there was a load of interference. she prodded my belly so hard with the sonicaid it nearly brought tears to my eyes! and at the same time we both pushed baby fromm the opposite side to try and get him to cooperate! it must have been quite a sight!! lol
I'm always pushing my baby away from my ribs cos it hurts so much, I asked my GP if this could hurt her and he said no I can't hurt her but she can hurt me - as if I didn't know that already, I'm in agony!! So don't worry baby will be fine, they're well protected.

I didn't really think I could hurt her, but I did sort of fret about it a bit. Saw the obstetrician today and asked him which way up she was and he really did prod about quite hard to find her head!! Then he showed me where to feel and had me pressing the sides of her head - poor little thing! - so now I know that her head is down, her hands must be what's tickly at the bottom of the bump, and I suppose it was her little bum that I could feel pressing against my diaphragm yesterday - too big to be her feet so I'd wondered if it was her head.

I've got a scan in the New Year to check where my placenta is and I can't wait to see her again - even if she is a bit blurry ;o)

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