They say i can only have 3 cesarians?


Well-Known Member
Mar 28, 2007
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I had to have an emergency cesarian when rosie was born. Her dad is 6ft 6 and she was long too and got stuck. They have said that they only recomend you having a max of 3 cesarians because of the amount of scar tissue. I could still give birth naturally (trail by scar) but the odds on me having another problem are high.

Has anyone else had more than 1 cesarian?
I've also heared that the recovery rate gets longer as you have more cesarians.
oh.....and how long does it take to get the feeling back? my stomach is still numb right up to my belly button!
I had a c section a month ago and my tummy is still numb, mainly in the middle. A friend said it can take months!! :shock: it feels weird when I touch it, like when you have dental treatment and the anaesthetic hasn't quite worn off your mouth. You touch your lips and you know you are touching them but you can't really feel it.

Don't know about how many c sections you can have. Maybe someone else can help out with this one?
i had an emergency c section with willow not sure about how many sections but willow is over 9 months now and there are still parts of my stomach that are numb.
i had a c section and was told i may never get the feeling back in some parts and so far im still numb in places. i know a woman whao has had 4 sections but they do advise only having 3, sorry i cant be any more of a help
My sister has 3 kids and all by cesarean (although in Germany). There were no problems at all, she is fine as were and are the kids.

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