The one thing I will not miss...

Oh mt gosh rant away! No need to apologise at all! Hope youre okay though x
:( i hate second guessing myself.. I keep thinking is this person actually this annoying or is it my hormones?! It's awful. Rant away though, that's what we're here for.

The thing I won't miss is heartburn lol xxx
I will not miss insomnia. It's 4:50am and no sign of sleep, STILL. Can't seem to get more than 2-3 hours a night. But I guess tonight I get none. I have two small kids to care for all day every day (no school or daycare), I just can't go on like this. 8 weeks until my due date...
I won't miss lack of sleep, fembrace and crutches lol x
Rant away! We all understand! I won't miss the constant need to pee!
Thanks ladies. I knew you'd make me feel 'normal' again!
Ditto to the other things you've said too!
These babies had better be worth it(!) Haha
Joke: I am so blessed and feel so lucky to be pregnant and that my baby is so far ok.
Our babies will all be totally worth it all and more. Xxx
:( i hate second guessing myself.. I keep thinking is this person actually this annoying or is it my hormones?! It's awful. Rant away though, that's what we're here for.

The thing I won't miss is heartburn lol xxx

Second guessing myself all the time! Annoying now when at home. Sitting crying because I now have to go to niece's birthday party and face her when it's probably just my issue alone!

Bad at work too! Second guessing people's motivation behind saying and doing things when normally, I'd just know it was work and nothing personal... Second guessing myself! Feel like I am 20 X slower at everything I do and feel everyone I am doing is not up to normal standards, despite work being amazing and so supportive!

Must stop crying though! It quietens my baby down anddon't like thinking about it having that effect on it! Xx
Totally agree! I cry at things I think are relevant to be upset over and my Fiance just says "oh you're just pregnant and emotional" but I AM NOT!! I genuinely feel upset about things lol, I don't even know if I am just an emotional wreck because of pregnancy but I feel upset over these things so it must be real!

I won't miss peeing 5 times in the night, lack of sleep, waddling around, bump in the way at work, walking with braxton hicks every time I even try walk for longer than 5 minutes, etc I could go on and on! In case you hadn't noticed, I don't do pregnancy very well lol!

It is good to get these things out, some of my friends are like "yeah well you should be grateful to even have conceived so don't moan about it" which I TOTALLY understand but it is my body and I do feel utter crap being pregnant!

Oh and I will not miss the horrid heartburn 3 times a day! Gosh I cannot wait for that to disappear! xx
Don't beat yourself up, i bet you're doing great. I know what you mean though, just keep coming on here and talking to us :)
Another thing I won't miss... Worrying about movements :-(
My baby is playing games with me and doesn't want to get into a pattern. Thinking it's more of an evening baby, but sometimes active all day. 32 weeks on Tuesday. Will be interesting to see as to whether or not I get into a proper pattern in the next 48 hours. My lo is certainly ok as it's been kicking in and off today and this evening is having a Baby B. party and my bump has changed shape over this afternoon! Bum sticking up to the left of bump and hoping we're trying to turn to head down instead of breech or transverse, which seem to be the positions of choice...
If you think about it, it's all one big stressful worry ... Will I get pregnant? What if I lose it? Why do I not have any symptoms? What does this symptom mean? Why is my bump so small/big? What if something is wrong? What if I go into labour prematurely? What if I forget something important? Am I doing this right? What if I can't breastfeed? Etc etc, talk about 'blooming' it's a wonder we don't go grey lol x
I am 26 and have found at least 7 grey hairs recently, I think it has turned me grey :rofl: there is tonnes to think about isn't there! Pregnancy and all its joys. xx
Luckily I'm ginger so I will go white rather than grey lol x
Haha the one's I have found have been pretty white! God help us! xx
:) there is always hair dye when required haha at least 2 young kids or 3 in my case will keep us active x

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