The Lochia


Well-Known Member
May 16, 2005
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sorry for an unplesent topic, but its been nearly 5 weeks now since I had Noah and Im still bleeding. Its started red and went to a brown colour and then as good as stopped but then came back again a bright red and again turned to brown and virtually stopped and then started again. I havent had any pain and blood loss has not been great (just changing my towel in the mornings and evenings.) But I thought it would have stopped by now!?!?
Is this anything to be concerned about?
How long have other people blead for post birth?
Hi cat, the exact same thing happened to me i think i bleed for roughly 6 weeks then i thought id stopped but about a week later it came back again so i thought i was having my first period but it was dark brown and very light and only lasted a 2 or 3 days then stopped again!

I dont think you have anything to worry , i was also surprised to see that i was bleeding for so long as i thought it would only be at least 4 weeks if that!!!
Hi I bled for 7 weeks after Reece's birth then I got the coil fitted a week later and apparently that can make you bleed for up to 6 months so I still got a lot of bleeding ahead! :cry:
Roughly 6 weeks is normal to bleed after childbirth (or c-section), give or take a week or so as we are all different!!

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