The difference between AF pains and ovulation pains


Well-Known Member
Feb 4, 2016
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Hi all.

It amazes me how little I *knew* about cycles until reading into it.

For instance, I didn't realise ovulation could cause cramps and lift spitting.

I have been using Kindara to track cycles for a while, but as I'm irregular it is more useful for me to record day-by-day data.

I just wondered if people could tell the difference between the pains? Other than knowing which one it is likely to be?

Thanks in advance x
Sorry I can't be of any help, I never have any ovulation pains, hopefully someone will be along to help x
Ovulation pains are one sided and come as stabbing pains. Not a constant ache. I got very obvious ones, particularly after I was put on clomid
I have never had any ovulation pains either, but after my hosp appointment today it is possible that could be beacuse I'm not ovulating?
I don't get them very often, but when I do they're more like stabbing pain, but not too severe, and they're not there continuously like af pain
Ovulation pains are one sided and come as stabbing pains. Not a constant ache. I got very obvious ones, particularly after I was put on clomid

This is what mine are like too. They are certainly sharper than period pains.

Not everyone gets them, it doesn't mean you may not ovulate so don't worry if you don't have them. Generally if you are having regular cycles you are most likely ovulating.
Thanks all.

I think I do; I definitely have had sharp pains in one side and given I am so unpredictable in my cycle I never really drew a link between them.

But I also saw not everyone gets them, so hopefully, Blackcat, things will work out x
i don't think i have ever ovulated before. im on clomid (first round now) b/c i have pcos. im currently on cd15 and no symptoms at all. as silly as this sounds, i did not realize the vast amount of patience i was going to need to have to start the ttc journey. technically, i still have time to ovd, but i am already thinking ahead of what the next step is. i have bloods being taken on cd21 and if it shows i did not ovd, then i think i'll be put on 100mg of clomid. hopefully that will work!

how soon before you all ovd did you get the ov pains? was it the day before a positive opk? or the day of? were you free of symptoms before that? i just have no sign at all at cd15 so unless they just suddenly come on with no warning, i feel like im out this round.
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i don't think i have ever ovulated before. im on clomid (first round now) b/c i have pcos. im currently on cd15 and no symptoms at all. as silly as this sounds, i did not realize the vast amount of patience i was going to need to have to start the ttc journey. technically, i still have time to ovd, but i am already thinking ahead of what the next step is. i have bloods being taken on cd21 and if it shows i did not ovd, then i think i'll be put on 100mg of clomid. hopefully that will work!

how soon before you all ovd did you get the ov pains? was it the day before a positive opk? or the day of? were you free of symptoms before that? i just have no sign at all at cd15 so unless they just suddenly come on with no warning, i feel like im out this round.

Not everyone gets the pains, from what I've been able to read up online and the ladies here. So unless you can't retrospectively look back after confirming ovulation, you'd not necessarily spot it.

I've not had any positive OPK in the 8 weeks I've done them (I posted separately about that), but I think I've not done then at the optimal time for most of that time and again, some ladies here have said they never did, but that it wasn't the bad news you'd assume. I got w batch of cheap ones online that didn't come with information about time of day, frequency, not to pee for a while before etc...

So...I am hoping to link the random, sharp pains I get to ovulating now I've digested the information I've learnt this last week and am keeping a daily note of how I feel using Kindara. It may not be that there is a link, but I'm feeling less negative.

P.S. I've had medical help to try regulate my cycles as they were very sparsely spread. Whilst I have more, they're still irregular and I'm going to see my GP to get tested for PCOS also. I'll no doubt post if that is an issue.

I have my fingers crossed for you Hun and hope you get positive news about ovulation. All the best x
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I had horrid ovulation pains this month and they differed to the pain in which I've been used too.. its normally a stabbing pain on one side however this month the pain was so bad... I thought AF had turned up early! I had 3 days of light brown then pink spotting and then on the 4th day it was confirmed that I was actually ovulating (i was really hoping it was implantation though) the pain was on the left side.

good luck with ttc uhn xx
When I ov I tend to feel kind of heavy and achey in my uterus area for a day or two before.

I also get ewcm for a few days before too.

I tend to get two days of positive opks - 1st day line as dark as, 2nd day line darker than.

I then get pretty severe one sided pain for a few hours when I ovulate (I assume this is right when the egg is released) and then it all dies down again.

It is really painful but doesn't feel like af cramps and is in the wrong place too.


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