That is IT! On strike!


Well-Known Member
Nov 24, 2010
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I need to rant!

I am sick to death of me having to run around here there and everywhere just so people can see Harlow!

I feel like it has to be me who instigates visiting and that actually they are not all that interested anymore now that the newborn phase has worn off.

I moved house 3 months ago and my dad has not once been round! Not just to see Harlow but to see our new home. My "best friend" has seen her once, she did come to mine but that was only because we was going on a night out! It wasn't to see Harlow! My mum always texts and says " can we have Harlow this weekend, can you drop her of with the pram " .. OH's family have not bothered much either but I don't hold a grudge quite as much with them as his Nan was very ill in hospital so they visited her all the time until she passed away on Sunday.

Many more instances but I'll be here all day writing them lol.

I wonder if I didn't drive or have a car... Would they ever actually see her??

So.. I have decided... I am not doing it anymore! The amount I get paid on maternity leave is crap and I can barely afford to fill my car anymore so they can all piss off! They want to see us, then they make an effort too! X
I agree! You are the new mummy getting up in the night - you need the rest. x
yeah, tell them to go spin
I feel exactly the same! I think having a baby shows some peoples true colours
I agree with you completely. Everyone should be running after you not the other way around. You don't have to be funny with them, just set some boundaries xxxx
It really does show people's true colours! Its my friend that has annoyed me more than anything! She says she doesn't have time but yet goes out every single weekend! Surely in 4 months she can spare atleast 2 hours to see us! Obviously it's to much to ask! So yup, she can piss of too!

Sorry girls, I've really got one on me! X
Awwww honey know how you feel!!!!! My parents and sisters are wonderful but so many people expect you to go see them when you have a baby and if you don't then they just don't get to see him and make you feel bad. It's tough but put your foot down honey. You know we'd all come and see you lol x
Haha thanks Verity!

I would have cracked up of boredom by now if my best friend wasn't of on maternity leave too! Sometimes I just get so lonely with OH working away all the time :(

:( I wish I could drive, I'd come see you every week :) I know exactly how you feel, I got upset this morning cause my friend that was meant to be coming round today and she got called into work.... Which is something yhat can't be helped and she was sorry but you just sort of feel left behind don't you? I was really good friends in my job last year and not one of them regularly keeps in touch :( if you want when one day its going to be sunny ill get the train up it'll only takr about 30 seconds ;) x
my visitors are all slowly starting to disappear too!!

big hugs xxxxx
Totally agree with the other ladies. No way should you run around after everyone else, they should come to you! My visitors have died down now but i'm not complaining. It all got a bit much to be honest. I was sick of making cups of tea and being sociable, just wanted to sleep haha x
We never got any visitors full stop! Sitting in the car with a fresh c-section wound was bloody painful but the only way Bertie even met my dad :(
yeah im with bb, ive only had a couple of visits. mostly my mum or bro. 3 friends came and thats it and i wont see them for a while now either lol
Same thing happened to me with my Dad. I was always the one lugging the baby and all his stuff up there all the time so I told him I couldn't afford the petrol and if he wanted to see LO he'd have to come to me.
I still go to Dads occasionally, but only becuase he cooks me a breakfast then gives me money for my petrol!!!!

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