testing when you know its to early


Active Member
Feb 15, 2005
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I think im going mad i have just been and spent yet another silly amount of money on home pregnancy tests and done three all in one go knowing that it is too early to show up anyway.

If i carry on like this i will have to remortgage before i conceive :lol:

I went onto the internet and bought 40 ovulation sticks and 10 pregnancy test for $39.99 us dollars (around £20.00). There just the dip stick not the type you buy from shops. Aparently they're just as good. I haven't tried them out yet. I only waited 10 days from placing the order for them to arrive.

i might try that, it would help if i had regular periods but as i dont know when im due i just keep testing all over the place like a woman posessed.

thanks for the help
i know what you mean.. i haven't had the same amount of days between a period yet (had 5 periods since coming off the pill) I'm too scared to do a test because i know i'd be really upset if it was a BFN. So I just keep hoping and wishing and every extra day I get more excited THEN I get a period. We're not even trying this month. We're gonna try again in March... i'm tooled up with my ovulation sticks (all 40 of them) and my 10 pregnancy tests. My husband is not leaving the house....


Good luck
how long have you been of the pill, iv been off the injections since august last year and finally got a period four week ago then another and another so thats four times this month but the doctor said i can still be ovulating so im just going for it.
Hi there,
I just wanted to add that i bought 3 of the test sticks (hcg) on ebay yesterday and received them today. They were 99p for 3, £2.88 included p&p. You can use them earlier as only need 10mg of hormone to test positive.
I know how it feels to test too early and too many times.

good luck
thanks for all your help i feel a bit of a lunatic as there are lots of women on here who have true problems conceiving and have to do it the difficult way so maybe i should just be a bit more patient its still annoying waiting though.
Its easier said then done though isnt it.
Im ok most of the time, its just the time between ovulation and the AF (think thats period) when you think you could be.[/code]
well i had a period three and a half weeks ago so im due for af this saturday but i had a one day bleed about half way through so im messed up again now and dont know if i should start from the first period or that bleed
You see thats where im getting confused. Has that one day bleed happened before? Because my AF due on mon but had some spotting half way through but only once when i went to toilet. Thought that could be inplantation? Tested today and was BFN so mow thinking tested too early or half way bleed was something else. How long have you been trying?
well my injection ran out in august but iv only been bleeding for the last six week as they stopped altogether while i was on it so its all up in the air as my periods havent really established themselves yet. from what iv read implantation bleeding happens about 4-8 days after ovulation but thats no help to me either as i dont know when or if i did o.

It sounds quite positive for you as iv heard implantation bleeding is only a very small amount mine was like a period only just for a day then stopped completely
Hope your right but the test didnt even have a faint line, i'll keep testing though (cant help it). If you have had periods for the last six weeks that must mean you are ovulating. May be difficult to know when but if you try to conceive (you know what i mean-with partner) at least every three days you will be in with a chance. Just till you know your cycle length. Good luck and wish i could help some more. Ive got a six year old which came along unexpected and over a year ago we decided to plan for one, I was excited cos always wanted to plan for one and take folic acid etc. But its no fun anymore.
i just feel like my heads all over i have had some ewcm yesterday and day before so we bd on those days but that doesnt tally with my period for my ovulation days if you know what i mean. I should be getting af saturday so surely i cant be o'ing today its too late
I was on the injection quite a few years ago. I was on it for almost 2 years (if i can remember correctly) it took over 6 months to have a period. Then the'd come either twice a month or i'd miss a month. I went onto the implants then. (I only stopped the injection because it made me faint - i was happy with the hormone) the injection is a similar hormone. I had the implants for approx 2 years but again my periods where up the wall... I had them taken out and went onto the pill. I finally had a period every 24 days (21 day pill pack - then 3 days after I'd have my AF).I would say I was on the pill for 2 years, this month is my 6th without the pill.
well we managed to bd again last night although it was the last thing on my mind both me and my partner and little girl are all full of cold so it was interesting to say the least but we managed so i think we will have tonight off

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