Teething - top teeth comin through I think..


Well-Known Member
Jun 4, 2014
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Hi guys, our lil miss has bottom three teeth (I know unusual right) and the third came thru December a month after first pair (when she was 7 and 8mths old respectively). She is now 10mths old and has been teethin on and off badly for last few wks, keep tryin to take a look but only do so when she's bawling lol (nappy changes seems to suceed in that department!) and think today could see a white tinge to the gums and definite indetations...she had a very poor nights sleep last night, she has always been able to self settle no problem,

then recently caught a stomach bug from playgroup and of course passed it to mummy and daddy lol. She is just about over this bug and so not sure if she's struggling to sleep cos of stomach ache or whether its the teething but last night, picking up and putting down didnt help, ended up rubbing her back to help her sleep which is unusual as she usually likes to go down drowsy and settles herself and if she wakes in the night we dont often know as she amuses herself but she was tossing and turning for over an hour...today she is very clingy with me and already having a 2nd nap (usually 2 naps per day but think she's catching up bless her) but then she has literally figured out crawling a wk ago and is now taking steps with hand holding so perhaps clingyness is from that...who knows....

if it is the top two how long do they take from when you see the white tinge? Feel so bad for her as clearly it is causin her pain and its not nice....
My little girl ( 10 months) is getting over a chest infection and has been very clingy to me since it started around a week ago and shes not slept well since it started so it could be related to the tummy bug but if she's not getting anymore symptoms of it and it has passed it could be teething and the only thing I can suggest for that is ice cold teething rings maybe a bit of ibrophen if it's really bothering her and we also found Ashton and parson teething granual helpful. She only has her bottom 2 teeth so far. Xxx
Thanks for that, it does seem interesting that its straight off the end of a bug and if we hadnt both caught it from her would say its teething related but its defo a bug (sigh - 2nd sickness bug ive had in my life horrible!) and first time she has been sick...went off her food (naturally) and went very lethargic but she has in herself returned to normal but her nappies have only just gone back to normal colour and consistency after explosive wet dirty nappies for about 5 days (vanish I lurve you!)...so thnk she's over the worst...the thing is she's not showing her usual teething symptoms aside from when tyring to sleep/nap...chewing on her blanket, hitting her ears etc...she hasn't done the chin chomping as I call it or really been interested in her teething toys so who knows...
It could definitely still be the tummy bug in her system it does take them a while to get back to themselves after one. My son had norovirus just after he turned one (the day after lol) and it was about 2 weeks before he started to be himself again. He gave it to me when he had it and I said I would rather go through labour and birth again before I had that sickness bug again , the stomach cramps were horrendous. My little girl always goes off her milk 2 - 3 days before she comes down with something. Hope she feels better soon xxx
My lg is 9 months and has two bottom teeth and one top one, it's not her front top tooth though it's 2nd along so she looks quite goofy. I can see two more on the top (front ones) but they haven't come through yet. From knowing that tooth was there to it coming through the gum didn't seem to take long but she's been teething for what feels like forever
Thanks guys will keep an eye on it, the sudden tears when she seems happy then just bursts into tears and then soon after finger in the mouth seems to suggest teething lol

sorry for the caps, didnt realise til all typed....
on second thought ignore that as looks like caps have been removed lol...
Arran is 10 months and has been really bad with teething the past few weeks, back to a night feed and then 2 teeth appeared then we had 2 nights of barely sleeping last week and another 2 appeared. He now has 4 on the bottom and 2 at the top. He was off his food with it for a while too. Hope she's feeling better soon.

HI CDx, nothing as of yet but could c and feel some grooves on top these past few days and if light catches it right and she's opening her mouth enough (yeah right!) can see white shining through. She keeps seeming like she's gettin them then they dont appear lol but I was away for two days and when got back could tell they had moved some more so perhaps cant tell cos always around her lol. Thanks for your thoughts tho.Watch this space...

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