Switching from Formula to Cows milk


Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2007
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Ok I'm just about out of formula milk and wasn't going to bother buying another box with him turning 1 next week :shock: (did I just say that) anyhow just wondered what I ought to expect really? I plan on giving him it in a bottle first then we are going to phase out bottles and switch to a sippy cup for milk soon.
Because James is very small, I wasn't sure about switching to cows milk but my OH convinced me that he was eating plenty. We combined formula and cows milk, eg 50/50 in a bottle for a couple of days, but giving cow's milk in his cup for meals, then went on to cows milk by itself. He seemed to take to it no problem. Only thing I noticed was the frequency of poo for a couple of days, he's normally a one poo a day boy but was doing about 3. It settled down quickly though and I think he prefers cows milk. He was never keen on formula!
I plan to switch to a sippy cup with formula at about 11 months and then introduce the cows milk after she's got used to the sippy cup so just the opposite way round to you :lol:

Think it's going to be a nightmare- she loves her bottle for comfort
I've been trying with the sippy cup for 4 months and he's still winning :wall: I'm too soft :rotfl:
i cant get caden to take a sippy cup either.in fact he will only drink from a bottle.any tips?
We have just switched to cows milk and she loves it! We just switched (but with an emergency carton of formula just in case!)
Our DS takes milk from a sippy cup and has done since 12 months old. We started him on cows milk at 13 months and he isn't really all that keen on it. He doesn't take much milk throughout the day just now as we are going through a fussy eating stage but he defo seems to prefer the formula. He's 14 months old now and I am just going to continue giving him formula. The funny thing is that he will have cows milk in cereal.
i swapped kyran to cows milk just before his 1st birthday and it was pure bliss!! soooooo much easier! I really thought he wouldnt like the change but he took to it so well from the first bottle. infact he went from drinking 5oz bottles to 8oz bottles.

I still give it to him in a bottle as he'll only drunk about an 0z from his cup. but what i try to do is offer it to him in a cup with his breakfast and im hoping that as he drops another feed (i think the night one will go next as hes not bothered really) he'll be more interested in taking it from a cup. :pray:
He only has 3 bottles a day now, switching over today so wish us luck. Hoping to drop the afternoon bottle next week too, so he'll just have 2 a day as he eats more than enough :lol:
I have the same problems with Charlie taking from a sippy cup, he will drink but only if I hold the cup :wall:

He's the same with his bottle and likes to have a cuddle and me to give it to him, lazy boy :)

Good luck Emma, hope the transition goes smoothly for you :hug:

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