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Well-Known Member
Apr 19, 2005
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OMG! :shock: went to see midwife yesterday (usual check up) and got told that the head was fully engaged and that she thinks my baby girl will come early she said this weekend, if not by the end of next week! instead of my EDD of 13th aug, how exciting! :D
yes! :D im so happy! im in a lot of pain since baby has dropped cuz there is a lot of extra weight in my pelvis so i get really achey and sometimes get little stabbing pains :cry: although i have been reasured that its normal. i just feel like i have had her in my tummy forever and cant wait to give her a cuddle :D

Ah thats so sweet! Please be sure to keep us informed. Will be thinking of u this weekend so if we don't hear anything for a while will assume he/she has arrived! All the very best to u, can't wait for mine either xx
That's great news !! Could be any day now for a few of us on here. I was 3/5 engaged last Friday and have my next check tomorrow, I hope I hear that I could be early, but knowing my luck I will have to be induced as bambino enjoys it too much in my tummy !!

Thought I was going into labour last night, but it turned about to me a bad tummy ache - ARSE !
awww thank you you guys :D
i have an appointment to see the consultant on monday aswell just to check everything will is ok so hopefully he will be able to give me a better idea of a date. so excited
to keep you updated i have just got back from the appointment with the consultant at the hospital and he said that my midwife was wrong and even though i am fully engaged he said the baby can stay like this for weeks and that he doesnt the baby will be around for a few weeks yet :cry:

quite upset i feel really let down as i got excited and now i have to wait another few weeks for her :cry:
Aww thats a shame hun, it must of been quite upsetting. I'll cross my fingers and hope the docs wrong :) Come on soconfused's baby girl!!
Nightmare bet you're gutted, having your hopes raised and then dashed again, when i get to 37 weeks i intend to have loads of sex, curries, pineapple and raspberry leaf tea and also go for walks if i still haven't had her by then (risk of premmie but 37 weeks is classed full term) i want to fly back to the uk for christmas but if i go over my due date i'm unlikely to be able to.

try some of these well known myths and see if they work :D
well im trying my best :D drinking 4-5 cups of raspberry leaf tea a day, eating chillis and curries, long brisk walks, but i dont seem to be getting anywhere with it! i was 38 weeks last saturday so its been safe for me to have my little girl for over a week :evil:

does anyone know if caster oil is worth trying?
or any other suggestions?

Hi Soconfused

Hope things get moving for you soon!

I reead on another post that you shouldn't use cater oil because it can cause the baby to pass meconium which isn't good at all. Stick to the tea!
thanks for the quick response
my mum says it tastes vile anyway so im glad im giving it a miss


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