sugar in urine


Well-Known Member
Nov 26, 2009
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:shock: I had my booking in appointment today, my midwife was lovely and my blood pressure was fine. But I peed on a stick for her and she said the result indicate that there is sugar in my urine, but she told me not to worry about it as my hormones will be changing.

Naturally I have spent the rest of the day worrying about it and a considerable amount of time on google researching.

Now Im really worried cos while it does say its normal in pregnancy a lot of sources say it comes to light in 2nd or 3rd trimester and if it is picked up before then it is a sign of pre existing diabetes! So my next google search was diabetes and pregnancy and now Im petrified my baby is going to be deformed!

I don't think theres anything I can do for now, they will test my urine again on 15th Jan so I guess if that comes up again then they will do more but Im paranoid that if I am undiagnosed diabetic then my baby will be being harmed right now and I dont want to wait...gah!

Any advise (apart from stay away from google..I know...very bad!)??
Definitely stay away from Google! And don't worry - if the midwife wasn't panicking and rushing you off to be given further tests you'll be fine to wait until January when they test you again. They probably want to wait anyway to make sure that it is diabetes and not just hormones in early pregnancy before they start you on any treatment :hug:

If you're worried though I'd give your doctor a call for reassurance - they'll be able to tell you what they usually do if sugar is picked up in your urine early on x
It was in mine today and she asked if I'd eaten anything sweet before I got's Christmas!! :rofl: She said it was veeeery common at this time of year :)
yeah she said something like that to me, i think she said oh you've probably had loads of chocolate cos of chirstmas. lol

Its just worried me more though cos I had toast and OJ 2 hours before the appointment and I had a satsuma whilst waiting for her to arrive. But my OH kindly pointed out that I had a McDonalds milkshake last night which probably has enough sugar to fuel me through the next couple of months!

Its reassuring to hear that its not rare and Im not the only one! How was your appointment?
i had high sugar a few times and most of them were choc related :D but a few werent they just checked me the time after ect . . and kept an eye on me but i never had gestational diabetes and my kids turned out lovly and sweet!!! hehe x x
I had to go for monitoring as they think I might have a UTI :( But back to the sugar thing....even the OJ could do that. Sugar showed up in mine a lot last time as I had a thing for Magnum ice creams!
Oh dear, hope they pick it up and sort it out for you! You sound very sensible about it all, I'm gonna be a jibbering wreck by the time I get to August!
It's my 3rd so I know what to expect I guess. I was the same first time round. Thank goodness there was no Google 15 yrs ago :lol:

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