Strong Smells!


Well-Known Member
May 2, 2005
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This may sound really wierd to you all, but is is it possible to crave strong smells?!!!
Basically i can't get enough of them, its things like Nail Varnish, and Bleach and Tippex- don't get me wrong i don't go round purposely smelling them, but if i do get a whiff of any of it i'm in my element!! :oops: :oops:

It really is embarrassing, also i love having my hands in hot soapy water, which is great cos i love washing up now!! i have to have a bath everynight just to be in hot bubbly water.

I'm not like this after i have the baby, i was the same with Amy, i usually hate the smell of bleach it makes me heave.

I doubt it but does anyone else have this or spomething similar?
I gotta admit that's a first for me! But like they say every pregnancy is different and we all crave different things!! There isn't anything wrong with that!! :D :D

P.S. I think I would rather crave smells then food!!! You wouldn't put any weight on doing that!!! :wink:

xoxo Ree
I know where your coming from Amy, I think its like our senses are heightened or something. I too love wasking up water or hot baths, its the most wonderfull feeling in the world!

My desired smell is smoked fish! god it smells incredable!
Shield soap!!!!

Had craving for the smell of shield soap with the last two - no signs yet but I've got some in ready

Tracy xx
This is more common than you might think - with my first I LOVED the smell of petrol (not very healthy I know!!) and when my Mum was expecting me she used to follow Tar vans round as she just couldn't get enough of the smell!!
Thank god for that, i thought it was just me being wierd, i found myself smelling the nail varnish today when i was clearing away!! wierd or what!! :oops:

When i get in the bath at the moment i sigh cos it is just a nice feeling, and i have to use citrus bubble bath cos its the strongest smelly one i could find
you think thats weird - my friend is pg too and she wanted to lick a fence because of it's smell! she managed to resist temptation though haha

apparently some women crave soil and want to eat it - not sure if i believe that one though :lol:
No way!!just found this on

"If you develop a passing fancy for coal or chalk, resist the craving and award yourself a more sensible food treat – a bar of chocolate, or cream cake, maybe. Tell yourself the craving will pass, and try not to worry about it. If, however, you find that craving things like soil and sandpaper is making you feel very unhappy and frustrated, tell your midwife or doctor. "

god thats like your a drug addict or something, resist cravings!!

Not always that easy- Lol

I wouldn't go as far as licking a fence, but then again i'm not craving fences!! god help me if i start drinking nail polish!!!!

:D :D :D :D :D
My auntie craved DAZ washing powder when she was PG and had to eat it she couldn't stop herself!!
Right ladies i really am getting worried now about this craving thing,
i found myself using tipex on a full sheet of paper today, it started off as erasing a simple mistake, but i got a whiff of it- oh my god it was umbelievable!! Lol
i used nearly a whole bottle just so i could keep getting whiffs of the stuff,

And putting my hands in hot soapy water, if i have had a bath and all the washing up is done, i go upstairs and run the sink with hot bubbly water and just sit with my hands in it!!!

It getting worse, is it cravings or obsession! Lol
I had this in my pregnancy with Amy, so i am hoping the phase will pass like it did then.
:oops: :oops:
For smells it's petrol and white spirit for me..

But for food.. It's bacon and ice (not together, thankfully)


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