Stretch mark sadness!

So much easier said than done and I really can not afford those expensive creams and stuff because the amount of rent and bills I have to pay. Id rather spend that money making sure baby will have everything he can ever need. :-(

I stood in front of Scott the other night and shown him.. and he said they are not that bad. But I can tell by the look on his face they are worse than he thought they would be when I was talking about them.

I like that picture though.. shows that after a few kids she still feels confident showing her belly off despite the marks. Xxx

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I've just noticed a few really big ones on my belly. Not amused! I thought I was one of the lucky ones but my OH pointed it out yesterday. I'm only able to see them in the mirror as they are really low. Not happy :( xx

I hope they wont get any worse for you. Mine started really light and small and then I ended up with lots and bad ones too. They can not be missed! I csnt believe I still have a possible 8 weeks for them to get worse xx

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just keep positive kel and just think they aint gonna be like that forever xx i was devastated my tummy was me fav part of me body but if some one said to me what would you prefer? a baby or a stretch mark free tummy? id choose the baby every time :) will be so worth it we will look back and think why did i worry about it so much . marks of bein a mum hun be proud of your bump :) xxx
We're all going to get old and wrinkly eventually so I guess we have to start accepting our bodies and they way they age. I know it's hard but the person you are and the mum you'll be make you beautiful, not your body or appearance.
I have suffered from chloasma (darkening patches on skin) for years and it can get bad in summer, it used to really upset me. But I've accepted it's part of me now. Your man loves you, you'll soon have a gorgeous baby. Screw the stretch marks xxxxxxxxx
We're all going to get old and wrinkly eventually so I guess we have to start accepting our bodies and they way they age. I know it's hard but the person you are and the mum you'll be make you beautiful, not your body or appearance.
I have suffered from chloasma (darkening patches on skin) for years and it can get bad in summer, it used to really upset me. But I've accepted it's part of me now. Your man loves you, you'll soon have a gorgeous baby. Screw the stretch marks xxxxxxxxx

well said! :D xx
I've just noticed a few really big ones on my belly. Not amused! I thought I was one of the lucky ones but my OH pointed it out yesterday. I'm only able to see them in the mirror as they are really low. Not happy :( xx

That happened to me! I can't see the bottom half of my belly and that's where they've all been hiding. I started of with one then before I knew it I had several. Hopefully neither of us will get any more!
I've just noticed a few really big ones on my belly. Not amused! I thought I was one of the lucky ones but my OH pointed it out yesterday. I'm only able to see them in the mirror as they are really low. Not happy :( xx

That happened to me! I can't see the bottom half of my belly and that's where they've all been hiding. I started of with one then before I knew it I had several. Hopefully neither of us will get any more!

Yes fingers crossed! Once they get white they will hopefully not be very noticeable anymore.
I know you get something very beautiful in return which helps but it really is a female thing that we all want to look good. xx
Yeah, no-one WANTS to get stretch marks, we'd all pass on it given the choice! They're worth it though :)
You can still give your body the best tools to help heal your stretch marks. If the are still pink/purple it means they are fresh and will be healing. Once they turn white it means they have scarred. Just make sure to give your body all it needs to heal those marks so they heal as best they can and are much lighter or even go away. Coconut oil works wonders on your skin. there is no need to buy any expensive stuff with bad fragrances. Coconut oil worked better for me than anything else. You can also eat foods that fight them getting worse and will help the ones you have.
Topical ways to minimize them:
Heal them through diet:
I keep getting a massive itchyness on my lower belly let's hope it is not from stretch marks ready to crack the tight skin .

Do stretch marks itch!? Xx

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Skin that is stretched very tight and quuckly can itch a lot and when there is extra pressure in the skin obviusly stretch marks are more prone to be there, it us basically the 2nd layer of skin that breaks.
I don't believe for one second stretch marks are genetic. You can help to either minimize them or prevent them. I had a miscarriage and got small stretch marks from the beginning (I can only assume they would have gotten much worse). When I got pregnant again I decided to start a skin and healthy diet regiment to prevent getting more this time around and I got NONE. My sister has quite large stretch marks and we are so similar in so many ways. You just need to stick to it! Don't be discouraged, you can at least get these to heal better.
I don't believe for one second stretch marks are genetic. You can help to either minimize them or prevent them. I had a miscarriage and got small stretch marks from the beginning (I can only assume they would have gotten much worse). When I got pregnant again I decided to start a skin and healthy diet regiment to prevent getting more this time around and I got NONE. My sister has quite large stretch marks and we are so similar in so many ways. You just need to stick to it! Don't be discouraged, you can at least get these to heal better.

I am sorry to saythis but that is completely rubbish. Some people are super prone to stretch marks and this is alsopart of genes. People don't get stretch marks from not being healhty or not using cream solely. Hormonal changes also make you get stretch marks. Stretch marks are broken skin in the second layer that have lost elasticity and not from anything you do youself.

I haven't got one so far this pregnancy (got loads jut a few days before given birth two times before) I weigh 66kilos, am almost 36 weeks pregnant and did not gain a lot at all.I still bike almost daily,I eat healthy and do moisturize the skin (and have been doing that with all my pregnancies)
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I don't believe for one second stretch marks are genetic. You can help to either minimize them or prevent them. I had a miscarriage and got small stretch marks from the beginning (I can only assume they would have gotten much worse). When I got pregnant again I decided to start a skin and healthy diet regiment to prevent getting more this time around and I got NONE. My sister has quite large stretch marks and we are so similar in so many ways. You just need to stick to it! Don't be discouraged, you can at least get these to heal better.

I don't believe for one second stretch marks are genetic. You can help to either minimize them or prevent them. I had a miscarriage and got small stretch marks from the beginning (I can only assume they would have gotten much worse). When I got pregnant again I decided to start a skin and healthy diet regiment to prevent getting more this time around and I got NONE. My sister has quite large stretch marks and we are so similar in so many ways. You just need to stick to it! Don't be discouraged, you can at least get these to heal better.

I am sorry to saythis but that is completely rubbish. Some people are super prone to stretch marks and this is alsopart of genes. People don't get stretch marks from not being healhty or not using cream solely. Hormonal changes also make you get stretch marks. Stretch marks are broken skin in the second layer that have lost elasticity and not from anything you do youself.

I haven't got one so far this pregnancy (got loads jut a few days before given birth two times before) I weigh 66kilos, am almost 36 weeks pregnant and did not gain a lot at all.I still bike almost daily,I eat healthy and do moisturize the skin (and have been doing that with all my pregnancies)

The thing about genetics is that we are discovering new truths about it everyday, so there is no absolute truths about it, apart from the fact that it DOES affect you a larger amount.

Think about it like this, genetics play a major role in this.

BUT, someone with perfect genetics who is overweight, doesn't take care of him/herself has a great chance to get stretch marks. Sure, genetics back him up, but in the end the difference between getting them and not is the lifestyle.

Same with some who has bad genetics. Sure, at the first sign stretch marks may pop up. But if this individual lives a healthy life, it is a possiblity that he/she will never experience any stretch marks.
Aww hun - poor you.

I was starting to get a couple on my hips and started to sue the palmers tummy butter and they have gone and no others have appeared, the MW even commented how lucky I had been last time i went not to have any.

I really thought I would get bad ones as I have really, really dry skin anyway but touch wood so far so good.

From quickly reading this post it seems that it you young ones that seem to be getting more as your skin is firmer - one advantage perhaps to me being a bit older and saggier!! LOL
Probably. Maybe I should have waited another 8 or so years to miss a few stretch marks lol

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Yaaaay for being old and stretch mark free. Shame about the wrinkles!
I was soo big with my first I didn't see most of my stretch marks until I gave birth sadly, wasn't a good surprise lol. and with my second I am only 32 weeks and have even more coming!! lol

the best thing I was ever told was by my partner one I had give birth, seeing them and being very upset.
he said" you are a beautiful Tiger and you have earned your stripes"
and now I am proud of every single one as I know they mean I feed and cared for my baby as best I could! and he was worth every single one!! x x xx
I agree! Now ive had him.. I dont care about them too much. Ive got bigger thinks to think about. Like keeping my baby happy :).
My OH doesnt care. He really loves me. If stretch marks put him off then id know he wasnt for me after all! X

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Very true ladies! We'll all be saggy, old and wrinkly some day anyway!
that is very true and sad, hopefully not too soon tho lol x x I also see them as a great way to bribe my babies when they are older lol " make me a cup of tea please, you did ruin my body" always works with my mum lol, I am a twin tho so she normally manages to blackmail a chocolate biscuit too ;) x x x

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