stressed low and hot balls

star fish

Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2010
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Hi all, this one is actually on behalf of my husband. He needs to vent and does it at me and I get to share it with you, arent you lucky.

We just moved for his new job, we are renting for a few months to make sure he likes it, which means still paying our mortgage, not sure whether to put the house on the market, plus rent and bills in a new place. Now down to 1.5 income instead of 2, so constantly worried about money.

He's in a new job, where he doesnt know anyone, feels lonely and worried about doing well, plus really high pressured environment, so stressed all the time (a chef) with very long hours, so tired and wondering if he's too old for the job (38).

Add to that the recent misscariage and now ttc again and the fact that this kitchen has low ovens right under his work station so his balls are always hot and i'm starting to nag about his sperm count being under threat!

He's not happy, so I'm not happy

Just thought I'd get it off my chest xxx
awwwww god love you....

can he not wear a bag of frozen peas in his pants? ;)

sorry - just trying to make you smile


it's horrible being stressed out, especially with everything you have both been through xxx
aww sorry you are stressed out star.

does he wear loose fitting boxers hun:shock:? i hear this can help keep swimmers cool :whistle:

Maybe you both need some chill out and relaxation, any plans for valentines day?
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hope things work out soon, you could always look into buying extra long utensils. sorry prob not the time for jokes.
Hi Starfish, :wave:

Try not to worry, he had a semen analysis and it came back good didn't it?

Also think how how many sperm he has 60 million, even if half do get damaged at least 30 million will be ok...

Try not to worry too much about money (easier said than done I know) think of having less money as a bit of a practice for when you have a little one as that's how it will be then and hopefully by the time your little one is here you will be settled in a new home with only one mortgage/rent to pay.

How you getting on with TTC, did you get OV/AF yet?

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I wouldn't worry hun my boyfriend is a chef so he's in exact Sam position lol hot balls/ sweaty balls it shouldn't effect sperm as the balls apparently adjust it elf to keep cool and stuff even though the seem hot. Tell him to where loose firing boxers not underpants or tight boxers and apparently cotton helps to keep em cool also of he can step out side for a few mins b4 each meal that need to be cooked my boyfriend takes his pants off when he's in from work he doesnnt live with me but lives on top of work also any work environment most men end up with hot balls or sweaty ones being cupped in pants all day. He could always go comando Underneath his trousers lol :)
Aww! :hug: poor hubby and poor u! :-( money is always a guaranteed stress raiser! I often wonder how chef's cope with all the pressure. Im sure he'll feel better when he gets to know people better. Not really sure about hot balls!! All I can think of is loose boxers! Are u renting out your old house to try to add to your incomings? Even short term? Xxx
Oh and my o/h can probs empathise about hot balls! When he was in Afghanistan he said it was a total nightmare :lol: :hug:
Hey Star,

Not got much advice but just wanted to send you a big hug. Lose fitting pants has got to help though hopefully and loser trousers maybe.

Hope you're ok.

Ive just read the gordon ramsay book and he mentions this exact thing, he wants someone tto invent a heatproof apron, no joke.
Yeah I read that in the Gordon Ramsay book too. Although he put his low sperm count down to years stood infront of hot ovens, like 14 years I think he said xxx
Gawd I wonder if that can actually have any impact then? I think the person who invents the apron shall be rich!!
Does he not have quite a few kids though gordon ramsay?
Lol, hi girls, and thanks for the suggestions, some of which did indeed make me smile. Especially putting frozen peas down his trousers, i can just see him with a big wet patch! Ha Ha. Actually he does go comando under chefs trousers, he said a lot of chefs do.

And as for Gordon, yes his kids were IVF, because yes it does reduce sperm count, a lot! I'm not sure many of us could afford to do IVF as often as they must have to have 4 kids.

Thanks for the thought Princess, we did think of renting out our house but it would have to be a 6 months let minimum and we want to sell asap if he likes the new job. I bet Afganistan was bloody hot! Your poor man.

Well, we're no further forward yet, and still no ovulation or AF, but hopefully everything will come together this year

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