

Well-Known Member
Aug 12, 2011
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So yest I had "period" cramps all day, starting at about 11am, every 10-15 mins. Also very few movements off lo. So at 7pm I rung and was told to go to hosp for monitoring to check lo was fine, and he was. They put the cramps down to me having ibs (although I haven't suffered with cramping from that for 5 years now!) and sent me home without any other checks.
Today I get a phone call saying that because I have had low movements twice now (last lot at 31 weeks due to kidney infection), I have to go for an "emergency" scan. So rung the scanning person, and they are fitting me in on Weds! - so much for an emergency! Also still having the cramps, but not getting any closer, no show, no water, and no sleep! On plus side lo is making up for the little movements yest by kicking me to death today!
Also found out this morning that my step-dad only has a month or so left to live now, so really want this lo to turn up so we can get some good news.
I know they say that stress stops everything, but they know how to add stress to your life!
:hug:Sorry about your step dad,
I would have thought they would get you in sooner than wednesday for a scan if its an emergency! But glad LO is kicking you now at least you can put your mind to rest. I hope that things start for you soon xx
Sorry to hear this. I really am sure all is well with LO and that this scan is just a precaution. Sorry to hear about your Step-father that's really sad. Easier said than done but talk to family/friends about it or have a good cry and get it out of your system. Xxxx
That does sound incrediby stressful :hugs:! Good that baby is moving well now, though - I am sure they are calling everything that takes less than 2 weeks to arrange an "emergency" scan... :wink: Hope you'll get to meet your baby soon!
Sorry to hear about your step dad :hug: Hope all goes well Weds, sure it will. Keep us posted and take it easy
It doesn't sound like your having a very good time :(! I don't know what else to say other than offer big hugs xxxxxxxx

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