Strangly Surreal


Well-Known Member
Feb 24, 2005
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Well I'm sitting here, 10 days till my due date and to be honest it all just feels surreal!

I've known I was pregnant since 5 weeks and while I know I'm going to have a baby and it's wriggling in there like you wouldn't believe I just can't seem to associate my moving bump with a little baby.

I guess it's pretty normal and I'm not worried about it, it's just a strange feeling. Every so often I feel like I almost grasp the full meaning and significance of what's happening, just briefly and then it's gone.

I guess it's one of those things that you just can't realise the enormity of until it's happened and you have that beautiful little baby handed to you.

I'm so excited now. I really hope I don't go too far past my due date!
For me at the moment the baby doesnt exist yet, just the labour! I've got nearly 4 weeks to go yet and its just going to drag by. I dont feel tired or too uncomfortatable yet so I think its going to be an overdue one.
Ditto Becky! I'm due a few days after you and know exactly what you mean!

I still find it hard to believe that this is actually happening to me.

A couple of girls I know from another forum have both had their babies about a week/10 days early, and I'm now wishing it was me! I'm dreading going past my due date AT ALL cos I know then it will just drag SO much!

And sod's law, I finished work on Friday 29th and since then I've had all the aches and pains I thought I'd managed to get away with not getting :roll: ....
Ok, well I've gone from one extreme to another.

I'm completely fed up with anticipation of labour. The whole will it be today or another 10 days or so is beginning to pee me off.

I know I'm doing it to myself but the constant wondering is driving me mad. Plus I'm not sleeping much at all and my hormones seem to be all over the place. Yesterday when my husband got in from work I just burst into tears for no reason!

I know it's all normal but hell it's frustrating.

I must seem silly to all you who have weeks ahead to be upset about the difference a couple of days makes.
Becky, I don't think it will seem silly to people who are a way off their due dates - I know this is something I dreaded all the way through pregnancy. My sister went at least 2 weeks overdue with hers then had to be induced, and it was a nightmare for her so it was on my mind quite a bit.

I was just thinking this morning though, I shouldn't be getting impatient yet, I haven't even reached my due date! But I've heard of so many first babies being born early just lately that I suppose I assumed it would happen to me but because it hasn't I'm getting frustrated.

I've mostly been keeping myself busy except yesterday, i did absolutely NOTHING all day, and by the time it was too late to go out and do anything I really regretted it. I don't have any friends living round here anyway which doesn't help, and all my friends are at work anyway so I'm feeling lonely which just adds to the frustration.

You're right it is normal but it doesn't help to know that does it?!

Sorry this has just turned into a whinge about myself, I was intending to try and cheer you up a bit! Maybe it will help you to know you're not the only one feeling like that though.

Do you ever go on the discussion forums? They're a lot busier than this one and it's been a lifeline to me while I've been pg!
Just thought I'd keep you all updated, I'm one day past my due date and no sign of baby.

Ideally I'd like the baby to be here before Wed because my mum has to go and visit my Granny in Ireland for a couple of days -unavoidable unfortunatly - so it'd be good if baby came before or after.... but then baby will come when it's ready so I guess I have to just chill and wait!

Not an easy thing!
Sorry to crash your thread....

I suppose you have all tried the obvious:

* Raspberry leaf tea
* Curry (hotter the better)
* Walking
* Sex (go on force yourself, it's worth it)
* Nipple stimulation (feels silly but can work)

It's all about oxytocin (the hormone of love), it's what got your here in the first place and it's what helps start labour too. Doing anything that makes you feel 'nice' will help. It doesn't have to be full on sex (although thats a great way of getting it going) maybe just a romantic evening in with DVD and chocolate can help too, nice bath, soft music.....its also a chance to have some precious time with the other half before baby comes along and you dont get the opportunity.

Good luck with waiting for those babies, try and enjoy labour if you can, I work with women in labour and it can be the most magical of times. Go in with an open mind, each contraction is one step closer to your baby and you can only have a contraction once, once it's gone its gone forever and you are one more contraction closer to meeting your baby. Look at the contractions as a possitive thing and work with them.

Sorry........rambling now, can't help it, helping ladies in labour is my job!!!

Good luck and lots of love
Thanks Kerry, and Becky - sorry you're still waiting! My due date's tomorrow.

Kerry, i've been taking raspberry leaf tablets and drinking raspberry leaf tea for a few weeks. Tried the sex thing too, but I'm struggling to walk a long way because it gives me pain down below (I think a bit of SPD or whatever it's called), haven't tried the curry or nipple tweaking yet though!
theres also is super busy on there there is hundreds of May moms as you will see its quitefunny at the moment as lots seem to be getting very p*ssed off lol lol theres a tread called "how dare you" made me giggle anyway hehe.
I pretty much live on there, its an american site though but still great, I know its a bit late now but they track your food intake and everything, you can find out exactly how many calories and vitamins youve eaten all day.
But for you due mommies theres loads of other due now too, might make you feel better!
cat xx
OK, so far I've tried a few of the above, walking killed my legs, curry made me constipated (sorry girls), sex is sore, and still no sign of baby. I think this one has it's own schedule!

I've also been told that dark chocolate and pineapple are good. Haven't tried these yet. But like I say I'm not too concerned. My lower back has been aching since Saturday so I'm hoping that's a good sign that baby is making it's move!
Ooh I'd forgotten about the pineapple one! It has to fresh though apparently, tinned is no good.

I've been out for an hour's walk this morning, it's a bit painful but not too bad.

Becky, has your midwife offered you a membrane sweep? Only mine's coming on Thursday to do it - assuming she can. I think the cervix has to be 1cm dilated for her to be able to.
No she hasn't offered that. I have an appointment at the hospital on Monday (41+2) and they'll check me over then and make an appointment to be induced.

I think as part of the examination they'll do a membrane sweep if things are right for it.
I wonder if it depends which health authority you come under. I was surprised though that she offered to do it so soon after my due date. I thought it was something they'd do much closer to the date when they talk about inducing (ie term + 12days or whatever).
I think the reason they offer it sooner rather than later is because although they can do the sweep to help induce, labour can still take time and they don't like the baby to be born much past 42 wks.

I still haven't any major labour signs although I have had a few pains that I've never felt before that were across my tummy but they passed so quick it was hard to tell. I guess until there's any pattern there's no way to know!
Well just to update you, the midwife came to see me this morning, did an internal but couldn't reach my cervix so couldn't do the sweep. I was gutted and spent half the afternoon in tears! I think I'd just really pinned my hopes on it starting things off. So she's booked me an appt for induction on 29th May. I SO hope it comes before then cos I really want a waterbirth and won't be able to if I'm induced.
Oh no, I'm sorry you couldn't have the sweep!!

I'm just the same, I'd love a waterbirth but as you say, you can't if you've been induced!!

Fingers crossed for us both!!
I thought my waters were leaking this morning! In fact I'm positive they were. I rang the midwife first thing who told me to ring the hospital, so I had to go in so they could examine me but (after waiting around for an hour and a half to see someone :roll: ) they said they couldn't see any fluid. :( Well I woke up in a wet patch this morning and had felt it trickling out during the night - they were kind of suggesting it was wee but I know where it came from if you know what I mean!

Anyway, they just sent me home and said to keep an eye on it. I had some tummy cramps and backache in the night too and I'm not feeling too comfortable today, so was really hoping this might be the start of something. :cry: I've not felt any more trickling since though so :?:

Any news for you yet Becky?
I'm a bit the same although no waters/wetness.

Achey back/tummy, had a couple of strange pains across my bump but nothing regular or with a pattern.

Am hoping something happens soon.

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