Strange rash..


Well-Known Member
Oct 10, 2011
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Ive noticed past few days this strange rash appear on my arms, my stomach, my thighs and my back. Was marched to doctors by my friend who immediately thought scabies but doc thinks its eczema (which ive never had so i dont know what its meant to look like) but she didnt seem too sure as she goes i think its eczema but chances are it could be fungal too so keep an eye to see if it spreads. Tbh i dont know if theres more but they definately dont seem to be getting better? Im a support worker and some of our clients can have infections one recently thats still not healed where it spread to their face and it was swollen for days.
Just wanna see what ye intelligent people think :)



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I,ve got eczema on my fingers at the mo, it gets very itchy, very red and weepy at time,s plus I can,t wear my rings coz my fingers are swollen:(. But my boys get it similar to what you,ve got in small red patches, so It could be eczema.

Eta, my eczema has spread to my other hand and it seems to go then suddenly flare up again. I need to find what's triggering it so I can stop it.
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Id heard it can be itchy ... but mines not if anything it just annoys me looking at it its not sore oozing or anything ? Maybe yours could be from cream you use .. maybe even ur face moisturiser cause u might be rubbing it into ur hands after you use it ?? xx
Bizarre situation, but a week and a half ago I thought I wasn't pregnant anymore, but I developed a rash like this on my tummy which spread to my legs. I googled it, and it suggested it was a pregnancy symptom. That was when I took a test and found out I still had a healthy bubs in me!

If you google 'pregnancy rash' and have a look through the answers, there's not really a whole lot of information about it but there's definitely something to it!

So it could just be pregnancy related rather than an infectious rash, which could be good news :)
So its just a symptom i get for being lucky and not getting sick :)
Wonder could i tell work its infectious and start my christmas holidays 2 days early :p

Thanks guys xxx
If you have come into contact with a lot of infections recently it might be your immune system kicking off. I tend to get tonsilitis when this happens to me, its like your system is dealing with infections the best way it knows how but letting you know it's struggling.

Personally I wouldn't risk it and take the time off hunny. You've had a lot of stress recently so this is probably a factor too so take the time and chill out :hug: xxxxxxxxx
i get eczema similar to urs on my arms only when im stressed!! as doc said it can be stresses related and i only seem to get it twice through the year and that when my uni assignments are due and i stress lol never had it unitil i started could be stress related as youve had a rough time past few weeks i would defo finish work early and try and de-stress ready for crimbo :) x
I have to agree with most of what's been said, you have had a lot of stress, I would take the holiday early :), if anything you get 2 weeks off to chillax :dance::dance:
Ive just woken up with an abcess .. my mind is made up. My holdays start today ! xxxxxx Im guessing stress too cause ive never had it before .. abcess ive had and i can probably blame fear of dentist fir that that one :)
Hey Hun,

Have u ruled out chicken pox? xx
I got a rash when I was putting baby oil in my baths to moisturise my skin, but it wasn't a spotty rash like yours it was more like reddish patches
Hey :)

I had chicken pix before and all my bloods at start of pregnancy said i was still immune to measles and whatever else so im hoping not ... that chamomile lotion as a child was awful !! :) xx
Id heard it can be itchy ... but mines not if anything it just annoys me looking at it its not sore oozing or anything ? Maybe yours could be from cream you use .. maybe even ur face moisturiser cause u might be rubbing it into ur hands after you use it ?? xx

I don,t use any creams it make me break out in spots! it started shortly after wall papering the bedroom so I think paste getting under my rings set it off, it did the same thing last year when I papered the kitchen. But that was in the summer and it,s still not gone, so there must be something else. :(

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