Stomach Symptoms


Well-Known Member
Apr 17, 2005
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I have these symptoms with my stomach and was wondering if they sound like pregnancy symptoms?

stomach aching, feeling heavy and uncomfortable.
mild cramp.

I tested but it was BFN.

when did you take the last test,

you also need to remember that even if the second line is really faint its still a +

and all those symptoms you mentioned could be a sign of Pregnancy
but they could mean AF too
It was definitley a negative result. :roll:

I took a test 3 days and 6 days after af was due. when go you think i should test again?

Vicky xx
Depending on how far past AF being due you are I would say maybe in about a week if you can hold off that long,

is there anything going on in your life that may be stressing you out,

as sometimes excess stress can delay AF
I have just recently come off the pill so i would just put it down to that. but the symptoms i have been getting have made me think otherwise. i just felt so different last week.

really don't know what's going on anymore!!
well i ahve had the same symptoms to but i wasnt on the pill or came off the pill or anything! i took a test to and it was a BFN but it just might be to early i guess or it could also be AF :roll: i really dont know but i hope it is a BFP! well i know with my first pregnancy i was like a month late and tested and it was a BFN but i tested again 2 weeks later and it was a BFP! so i guess wait as long as you can and test later!

good luck let me know how things go !
I'm going to take you're advice and try to wait. It's crazy how many BFN's you can get!!

Vicky xx
Hi everyone

I too have the same symptoms but i have never been on pills and i have been having these cramps for past 5-6 days now.Its mainly on my left side and area below the naval.My AF is not due for another 10 days.Can i have AF cramps so early?
Also,my breasts have become very very soft and i have developed a strong sense of smell.
i am so very tensed...........
Hi, i have been trying for a few months, last month was the first proper period after coming off the pill and i was 9 days late and had sore boobs etc but i came on. this month i am having period like cramps and super sensitive nipples and sleeping for England. non of this happened with my first til after i found out, do you reckon it could be symptoms? i'm due on on 8th May
i had pregnancy symptoms when i came off the pill last month, i thort i was definitly pregnant, but i wasnt, it maybe your body getting back to normal!!i think i may be pregnent now!so im just giong to have to wait.
hi Jenny,

When will you know if you are pregnant? i have been told by a few people that these cramps are called settling pains where the embryo settles onto the womb. i dont know when they are supposed to stop.

keep me informed of any news :D
I found out i as Preg 6 days after my period was due, for a about 2 weeks before taking the test, i was getting tummy pains as if i was going to get my period but it never came! I also suffered with very tenered and solid breasts about 2 weeks before i was due, and am still feeling all the same symptons as mentioned above! when you do you your test, make sure you do it first thing in the morning as it will be stronger, i was also late after i came off the pill and my periods were not really on time each month. Before xmas i was 10 days late, but i think that was because i kept thinking i was pregnant, almost like having a phantom pregnancy!

hi amys mum!!!
i will find out next monday, but my tummys bloated and a bit uncomfortable. Even though i got pregnancy symptoms when i came off the pill i never was bloated, so i hope it is a real baby this time!!!
ive also been so moody with my partner!lol hes had to put up with me. Ive also had a break out of lovely spots :( i havent had them for a few years!!!
Im feeling uncomfortable with the bloating as i get hungry but cant find any food i fancy eating!
p.s im sleeping loads too!!feel tired early at night and miss all the tv programs!
Being tired and bloated are def good signs, so hope you are, I know what you mean about the food, its really annoying when you feel really hungry but nothing sounds exciting, only ice cream, or strawberries and cream i have found!!!!

Natalie x
yeah!i would usually jump at the chance of some nice food, we had spag bol last night, but i cudnt eat it!!!my tummy was too bloated, only sweet things would do. It seems to bloat up when ive eaten something and i get gassy!!!nice!lol
I know how you feel, Gassy is my middle name at the mo! Luckly my BF is cool with it!! Well he lets me get away with it anyway!
to newbump
my stomach has calmed down, but yesterday was the worst!!!lol my bf sees it as a competition, who has the most wind!how nice!lol
Do you get bouts of having a bloated stomach and then it calms down? ive had a few days bloated then its not as bad. Still getting waves of sickness, but not been sick yet, thankfully!
i had strawberries and cream with my first, my partner was sick of eating them!!! good luck to you all. i hope mine is a real pregnancy as well this time. i am due on on sunday but i might get one of these tests that you can do 4 days before your period. cos i am impatient!!!

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