stomach contracts but no pain


Well-Known Member
Dec 29, 2009
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hi all im new here im 39+5 days pregnant my little girl is due on the first of january im having contraction but they are pain free and im trying to figure out if these are normal contration or just braxton hicks i thought i would of had a show or my waters break or something since im only 2 days away from my due date i know first babies sometimes go overdue im getting a scan done tomorrow and seeing my consultant too. i was booked in for a csection on xmas eve due to the fact that amy was breeched and actual turned herself around again so they cancelled it lol just my luck thats the second one they cancelled. any info or any one that has similiar experience like this would be apprieated and thanks in advance


They do sound like practice contractions to me. Keep moving and busy and they will probably build up to labour ones :)
thanks i went for a scan today and they tried to do a membrane sweep they sed i think at least i heard that i am 1.5 cm dilated and they couldnt get to the membrane itself lol
Oh fingers crossed she decides to come soon, my labour started like yours painless tightenings accross my belly for 5 mins apart for the first 8 hours
i cant understand my notes lol theyve got down that im 1.5 cm dilated but cervix is closed so they booked me in for a doppler scan for next week im scared in case she turns again coz i have quite alot of fluid and im hating going now to see the consultant coz everytime i do the midwife i see first always say well i think they might be inducing you in a day or two but then when the consultant came in he sed oh ill just book you another scan for next week just the doppler. theyve getting my hopes up 4 times in the past month lol saying there going to induce me because my baby is on the small side only measuring about 34cm approx im just thinking if your goin to induce me do it now and stop saying you are and then changing your mind. lol my bf has has leave booked for the 4th of january so i hope she come b4 then coz where wanting to go and see my parents while hes off coz they wont see her till she six months or something coz my boyfriend has to book time off b4 he can go anywhere lol
Hope you can get a consultant who doesn't just keep changing his mind, that must be really frustrating :hug: Hope something happens for you soon xx
im really becoming impatient now lmao wish something would happen im getting these like littlesharp pains in my right hip at the mo and im still contracting with no pain. im really wanting to have adrink to night to celebrate new year but i dont think that wouldbe wise just in case i do go into labour lol oh well
ps they havent even helped me with a birth plan either lol coziwant to bottle feed her when shes born and i keep asking them to help me with one lol and they havent even sent mefor antenatal classes lol and this is my first but i suppose itll ome naturally lol
i can help with a birth plan if you like hun they ask you do do your own and just bring it along to the birth normally :) at 1.5cm diatated and cerxix closed your not ready for labour yet your cervix needs to become ripen and opening if its too high by the sound of it it needs to turn and come around sex is great for this and makes cervix nice and soft so you can start contracting ect . . . eat pineapple and have a warm bath hott curry too mmmmmmm curry!!!!! hehehe!! They old wives takes but they all help they wont bring on the labour but they will help ripen and soften. What soft of birth do you want??
the drugs are
gas and air
pethadine - into leg of bum can make you dizzy but some people like it just a slight pain relief
epidural into back doesnt always work didnt with me for ages had to keep totting up with my first took it in and out of back a good few times and in the end i told them to give up haha with son it was 70%working but wore off right before birth if you want an epidural you need one before 5cm dialeted pref 4 so it has time to work otherwise they wont give it you if you leave it too late x
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oh and you can either have a stationary or a mobile epidural the stationary you cant move the mobile you can move around and are still numb what i had with my second x
thanks for the info i think im sticking with gas and air lol i was going to go for an epidural but im still unsure lol pain im not very good with lol os im not in labour yet lol shes suppose to be due tomorro lol im so impatient too lol i just want her to be here lol my pregnancy flew buy but these last few days have dragged lol i go for a doppler scan next week and i think they might induce me then i couldnt go another week after that ive got to much water around her and im scared she could turn again and shes a little on the small side to shes about 34 cm and weigh 6 lb 0oz
aww they said that about my zander and he was 8lbs 3 born hahahaha!! i had the doppler scans with him had about 4 of them they were going to take him out at 35 weeks but he started to show good signs and was born healthy at 3 days overdue x the gas and air is greatest thing ever ever ever!!!!! but it dont take away the pain just makes you fel drunk and the contractions soon sober you up again believe me hehe!! x x x
lol i hopes she comes soon lol im sick ov friends and family asking if theres any sign of her lmao i mean id let them no if there was its like im going insane lol when they ask
welll i had a bad night last night didnt sleep :( i had alot of like period pains but they werent hurting as much and i think im getting pain now wen i contract but cant tell coz i ave really bad back pain to i did drink a pint of pineapple juice lastnight lol could tis be the start of it ive also no that ive been running to the loo more pee wise sorry tmi lol i dont know weather to get excited or not lol
I had back ache in early stages too, infact when my contractions started they started in my back. Fingers crossed this is it. Keep us updated :hug:
I think someone said on your other thread being relaxed is important. The more you anticipate it the more you inhibit the flow of oxitocin which is the 'labour' hormone. That's why often when women arrive at the hospital in labour, it suddenly stops. Because you get there and become more tense etc the flow of hormones is inhibited.

Forget about going in to labour. Carry on as normal - go shopping, for a walk, do the cleaning, read a book - chill. Resign yourself to it being another 2 weeks and you may just find (like I did) that something will happen. ;)
i will do it feels weird to lol coz this is my first lol so i dont know what pains to expect so i can tell were they are lol
Trust me. When you are in labour you will no. There will be no missing it or mistaking it.
lol yeah its bound to happen lol she cant stay in there forever lol i mean she could try lol but shell come when shes ready to i suppose lol

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