Still no AF 66 days after stopping BCP..anyone in this boat?


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Jun 22, 2005
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Hi everyone

I stopped taking my BCP 2 months ago (15 April) and since my regular AF that started 3 days later, I have still not had any sign of an "unassisted" AF.....

I have been on BCP for almost 12 years (the doctor put me on it when I was 18 because I had only ever had 2 AF's and there was about a 6 month gap between them. I went and spoke to a doctor on Monday who said that she would normally consider putting me on progesterone (sp?) to get me to have an AF and see if that kick starts things, but as I am about to go on holidays for 7 weeks, she thought it would be best to wait till I got back and things were a bit more settled. It is killing me to think that I have to wait that long till I possibly even get a cycle up and running (I presume I am not ovulating...only just started checking my CM a few days ago and so far not too much happening...) I would have loved the opportunity to TTC on our holiday and come back pg....but I guess that's not likely to happen now.

Has anyone else been in the same situation as this and finally got AF after coming of BCP? Is it worth waiting and seeing if I eventually have one naturally or will this just be a waste of another 2 months....?
I have never been in this situation personally - my cycles used to be all over the place but they eventually settled down. Bleeding was all over the place as was Ovualtion, it finally settled down when I got a bit older. When I was ages 12 - 17 they were still a tad hit and miss. It took 5 years to settle down - a long time! I think it would be worth waiting till after the holiday if you doc suggests it is best. It wouldn't be a waste of 2 months because you never know - your AF may come naturally and that would be the best thing. If you have had natural periods before the pill - even if they were spaced far apart - it proves you could be ovulating eventually - your body may need time to get of BCP and settle to it's own routine.

I hope things go well for you and that you enjoy you're holiday x
Let me get this right: You're 30, and to the best of your knowledge you may only have ovulated twice in your life? If so, that's certainly cause for investigation.

I'm a bit bemused by them putting you on the pill. I would have thought that the problem was lack of ovulation, and the symptom was no period. Putting you on the pill would fix the symptom, but just mask the problem. Sounds like you are back just where you were before you went on the pill!

I'd be inclined to push for treatment (progesterone) to start soon. I can think of two reasons not to start before you go away: your doctor wants to monitor you; or travel can interfere with your cycles. The first is a good reason, but I'm not sure about second. I've never found travel or the normal messing around in life has had the smallest effect on me. Have a talk to your doctor, and see what her reason is.

I suspect a fertility expert would take your situation seriously, and it's possible you may end up seeing one. The sooner you begin treatment, the sooner you can get on the queue to see a specialist if that's required.


I came off the pill just over 3 months ago and still not had a period. Have been taking so many pregnancy tests but they are all negative. I have been to the doctor and they said they will not do a blood test until 6 months have passed but that I can still get pregnant in the meantime.

Has anyone ever got pregnant after coming off the pill but without getting a period?

I came off the pill in feb and had one normal af 30 days later and then nothing for 80 days. As you can imagine i tested on a regular basis but got BFN but after having some spotting on day 79 (which I've never had before) af finally came the next day. I am now waiting for af to arrive again (4 weeks up on monday 4th juy) but after the last cycle i'm not sure where i am. Evenso i started taking Agnus Castus about a fortnight before af came and i do think this helped things along.

I know how you feel and how frustrating it can be waiting for af to come along but all i can say is hang in there and af will arrive eventually. One lady i was talking to on another forum mentioned she'd not had a af for 94 days and then got a BFP so you never know!!!

Baby dust to you all.

I came off the Pill in January and was waiting 3 months for my first AF - I too thought I was pregnant, but soon realised that I wasn't ovulating. I started taking Agnus Castus (herbal remedy) and 2 weeks later I got my first 'unassisted' AF.

So far my cycles have been 56 days, 42 days, 35 days and 28 days. I ovulated for the first time last month (June) since I came off the pill in Jan.

Its been incredibly frustrating, but I've just been telling myself that each month that goes by sees my body returning to normality after 10 years on the BCP.

I'm keeping my fingers crossed now that because I am ovulting and tracking it through CM and Ovulation sticks that we will get pregnant this year.

All I can say is that I've read quite a few posts from women who are struggling to get their first AF after coming off of the pill - but it does happen, and eventually you will ovulate - especially if your doctor is onboard to help.

GOOD LUCK - I wish you all the very best x x

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