Starting to lose patience


Well-Known Member
May 19, 2011
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I have been ttc since last April. Came off the mini pill and my cycles went back to normal 28 day cycle straight away.

I am ov'ing as I do opk's and bd at the right time. I also use conceive plus, take vitamins and still not pregnant. I am due on af on the 1st march but I know she's on her way because every month as 6/7 days before she comes I get sore nipples and bang on time I have them today!

This is really starting to get me down now! I know I'm not out until af arrives but I know she's coming
Hey Hun i know the feeling as have been trying since feb last year. It does get you down but try to stay positive as it can take women a year or more. I get so disheartened too and feel like it will never happen but I'm sure we will get there in the end. Have you had any tests x
No I have not had any tests, to be honest I didn't really want to start getting doctors involved as this will stress me out but I'm now starting to think I can't get preg and maybe I need help. I try not to keep going on at hubby as he's not the let talk about it kind of guy. Have you had any tests?x
Hi Poppy I feel the same we started trying May of last year and I am beginning to believe I just can't get pregnant! I am trying to take hope from other ladies who were trying longer than me and then got their bfp!

Lots of baby dust to you

Hey yes I've had a ultrasound and my progesterone which were all normal. I've been referred now and just had my letter from hospital wanting some more bloods (rubella, day 3 and progesterone again) I'm getting too old to let things go on any longer ha ha :) xx
Hi poppy totally understand you frustration. I know its stressful but it may be worth to go for the basic blood work. Ie cd3, progesterone, and rubella. If all these come back fine your gp will be fine for you to carry on naturally if that's what you want. Also a semen analysis may be requested as it is prob routine to do this after a year or so of trying.
Me and hubby have had a chat (and lots of tears from me) if im still not preg by may we are going to the doctor. Thanks for your replies, sorry I'm such a moaner xx
Me and hubby have had a chat (and lots of tears from me) if im still not preg by may we are going to the doctor. Thanks for your replies, sorry I'm such a moaner xx

Hiya, its a good idea to see your Doctor after a year of trying but remember, just because its taking what seems like a loooong time to conceive its not unusual at all so try to keep your chin up and enjoy your baby making fun lol.

Oh and don't think your a moaner, its good to occasionally vent your frustration.

Lots of love and good luck! xxx
Glad u had a talk about it. I think going in May is a good idea. Don't be too disheartened. There are lots of ladies on here who have taken over a year and there was nothing wrong with them or there partner.!!
Good. Glad ur feeling better. I think its normal to have a bout of sadness and dismay when you have been ttcing for some time. There are plenty ladies here who understand. X
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Honey don't be afraid of tests - they are very easy blood tests to begin with and if something ery simple is flagged up you will be delighted you went. If you have a good 28 day regular cycle then this is really good and you havent been trying for a year yet, so although frustrating, stay focussed because its more than likley your BFP is just around the corner x
Thank you, as soon as I came off the pill I had a regular cycle so I'm glad that's one thing x
*hugs* hunni. I am the same.
I have been trying since april, i Ovd straight away in the first month but my cycles were all over the place for 6months, even now they are 30-35days. But i always use opks and almost know now when i am Oving with out using them but i still do them just to make sure. I have sex at the right, i have gone health crazy and my partner has stopped drinking altogether. (i dont drink)
I am just as frustrated as you and i have really down days about it. i even tried being away from here and not use opks and not think about it at all for 6months, i have been away for 2 weeks and relaxed and still nothing :(
I understand how you feel like some of the girls on here do. But dont lose hope just yet. It will happen when it happens (or thats what people keep telling me.....doesnt always help though)

You are doing the right thing waiting till may then going to the docs & I REALLY hope you get a bfp before then x
It's so hard, when we first decided to ttc I thought oh I will be pregant in 2 months, I was wrong but it will happen one day and will be amazing for us all x

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