Starting to bloom at last!

Sarah W Baby Belly

Well-Known Member
Jun 14, 2005
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I am starting to feel like a blooming lady now!

I'm starting to wear more make-up again, I'm starting to have good hair days and my nails have actually grown and look really nice!

In fact I look and feel like the Sarah that I was on my wedding day today. All gushing and beautiful. The only thing different from normal is that I actually have boobs and look like I have swallowed a gala melon, but I feel very well apart from that!!!!.

I had a lot of stretching pains earlier in the week and as a result my bump has reeeeaaally grown this week! :D :D :D :D

I am even wearing lipstick!!!! Haven't worn it for a couple of months!

Feel good today

Anyone else?
Hi Sarah.

I felt like I was blooming from about 19 to 24 weeks but now the tiredness is setting in again!! Back to my afternoon naps and feel like I am eating loads which doesn't make me feel great!!
I'm still perfectly happy and healthy though and have been really lucky right from day one as I've had no major probs.
Still waiting for my sex drive to return though!! Still at about minus 10!! Had a surge at about 18weeks but that was that!! Poor OH. LOL xxx

I have blooming days and non blooming days at the moment! I am still really tired so after work I am not blooming at all but after a nice nap or at weekends and days off I do feel pretty good! Some days I just feel huge and uncomfortable and spend all day moaning about it (as you have probably noticed!) but others I feel all special and joy of nature-ish! I have no spots and my skin does have a glow to it- also my hair is growing like mad and my nails are strong and healthy which is cool. When I can stay awake I'm also pretty much on for a bit of rumpo most of the time- especially since I keep having rather pervy dreams :wink: I think we might as well enjoy that side of stuff while we can!!!

Today I am mostly blooming as it is the end of the week- hooray! Glad you are too!

Feeling kind of normal, which is good because I have felt like s**t for the last 4 months!! And my nails are so long and strong it's unbelieveable!!
My nails are pretty good at the moment, my hair is it's normal nightmare but then not even a miracle could change that!

Have been feeling more tired again, and hungrier. But feeling quite good, apart from ligaments pains etc. ? :roll: :( Still horrible, hormonal, in pain, and feel like a fat weeble! lol. Oh well, at least I ain't puking so that's one good thing which I am concentrating on!

Lordy gimme some time to feel normal!! :lol:
My sista sed i looked great does that count, she sed my skin was lookin fab and she hast seen me so happy and healthy in ages (she wasnt bein nasty it was cos of stuff that had happened b4), ne way i think i feel fine, no different, well cept for my fat days, which seem to be gettin a little more often now, but i do spose i have the odd day were i feel blooming.

bec x x
My boss said I was blooming yesterday but I can't see it. I do find that I smile a lot more these days. Last week I spent every day crying :cry: :cry: :cry: this week I am constantly smiling :D :D :D

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