started itching badly.. ipc ?


Well-Known Member
Jul 22, 2010
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I started itching badly last night and got Worse today, itching all over my body , hands head etc and went to my gp he is worried it might be ipc got bloodtests done and meanwhile I have to take allergy tablets which make mw feel drowsy... I'm so worried now.. I had never heard of ipc before he mentioned that.. something to do with liver function ?
Do you mean obstetrics cholestasis? I had bad itching a while ago and also had blood tests. It's something to do with bile acids in the liver. My tests came back done and the hope acids were only at 2 which is very low. Anything over 14 is AB indication of OC. I was also given allergy tablets too. Hopefully it'll just be a random pregnancy itch. Try not to worry too much its good you've been.checked out for it. X

do you mean OC? if so there is a full thread in tri 3 at top explaining it

i also had test done for itching really bad but im fine...................................try not to worrie my MW said it only tends to effect u later on in pregnancy ie tri 3 but best u getting test done x
Ok thanks :) just never heard of it before, yes must be called that, just googled it up quickly. Glad it all worked out fine for you , was thinking it OS just pregnancy itch but a woman in the chemist told me to see my gp straight away, was looking For some itching cream lol.. itching is all over my body hands, head, feet etc ... Just finished anti biotic so could be that aswell doc said x

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