

Well-Known Member
Nov 25, 2010
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I noticed a spec when I wiped (sorry tmi) on Saturday and I have had some this morning too, not loads but it was brown and Iv had none since...Today Iv had AF like pains and adamant I'm going to come on but Iv never spotted in this way before a period before :eh:
Iv had this weird pain in my left side today aswell.
I did a test this morning (told myself I would resist but I just couldn't :lol:) and it was a BFN so I was a bit disheartened and now I'm just so confused.. I'm going out on Wednesday to get another test providing the witch doesnt turn up in the mean time but its doing my head in all this wondering..I'm trying not to get excited either...aaargh this is so frustrating..
Anyone else going/been through similar..?

I have no experience but just wanted to reply to say I hope it's good news for you.
hi ive had this a few times but my cycles are very irregular had all pg symptoms and af came 2 days later :-( but i also know a few friends who this has happened too and its been a bfp!!!!!!! so good luck and hope you gets yours and to let us all know the out come xxxxxx
It could be implantation bleeding, which usually happens between 7-10 days past ovulation. If it was you'd probably not have enough hcg in your urine the next day for a test to pick it up asit is only produced after implantation happens! When is your period due? If you test again that day the chances are high you would get an accurate result with a pregnancy test as your body has had more time to produce more hcg.

Hope this is it for you! fingers crossed and lots of :dust:
Ive had the exact same thing this weekend. pinky with cm, then brown with cm then a few spots of blood. no more since. really hoping its implantation..I too did a test this morning bfn!

Really hope its good news for you x
im same as you hun, although im to early to test yet had a pinkish spotting 2 days ago 6days after I had sex then had some mild cramping yesturday. Im not due on my period for another week though so we'll see :)

fingers crossed for you hun
Hi Ladies :wave: still no sign of the witch (was due on either Wednesday or yesterday) and decided to wait until I was late to test so I tested this morning but still got a BFN :( This is driving me nuts now. I still feel like I'm going to come on, bit crampy ect and had a migrain yesterday which I occasionally get before AF turns up so I'm not getting too excited as I'm sure I would have had a positive result by now wouldn't I, especially on a first response??
If I dont come on by tomorrow afternoon I'll go to Tesco and get yet another test and do it Sunday morning or something. Think I'll order some cheap ones for next month aswell as this month has cost me a fortune in tests so far haha.
I'm still holding on to a little bit of hope this is it so I'll try and stay positive :)

Good Luck to all you girls :D :dust::dust::dust:


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