Spotting before AF


Well-Known Member
Apr 22, 2016
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Hi everyone,

We've been trying to conceive since April this year and I had a chemical in June. Since I started tracking my cycles (May) I have noticed that I tend to spot for 3-5 days before AF comes in full flow. It's hard to say whether this happened prior to TTC as I was on the pill and probably didn't pay much attention! This month my app says I'm due on on the 26th (29 day cycle this month; they range from 27-30) but I have been spotting for a few days already.

Does anyone else get this and know why? I have read that drs have said it's normal; other women have noted that it's due to low progesterone or a hormonal imbalance. Obviously don't want to self-diagnose then choose a supplement that may be totally wrong for me... but at the same time I'm willing to try Vitex or a cream or whatever...!

Thanks for reading! Appreciate any replies x
Hi Mrsduckie. I used to get this post MC also (it stopped when af returned after the birth of my son). Had my bloods done and all came back normal. Highly likely it's just normal for you but maybe worth chatting to gp to put your mind at rest?
Thanks for your reply. Trying to get an appointment with the dr that I really like but it's proving difficult! x
Hi, I've spotted for between 3 and 5 days before af for about 15 years now. The most common cause iseems to be low progesterone although I had mine checked and it was absolutely fine. I then had a hystoscopy (sp?) just to make sure nothing else was going on and that was all fine although it did show a very large fibroid. I had the fibroid removed but that didn't stop the spotting either. I've gotten pregnant twice in the last 4 months (miscarriage and chrmical) and both times I suspected I was pregnant because I had no spotting at all before af due day. I spent a lot of time googling this and it seems most women that have this spotting do not spot on the month they get their bfp but some still do.

So, to cut a long story not very short, you should definitely get progesterone checked at the very least but it could be that you are just one of those people that has spotting. As far as I know it was not the reason for my miscarriages, I'm old so just have old eggs :)
Hi ducky, I'm very similar, before I started ttc I was on the pill and not paying attention to the million and one things we now look for lol, so I don't recall if I spotted or not but when I started tracking I always spot for 3 days before AF and also have 27-32 day cycles normally around the 28-29 mark. Since having my last two miscarriages, AF just suddenly appears in full flow with no spotting. I have heard about the low progesterone but anytime I've mentioned the spotting to doctors they are not concerned at all and say it's normal as long as you are having regular periods which they regard as at least one day of red bleeding. I used to worry about the spotting, now I kinda wish I did spot before AF as its at least an indicator that it's coming instead of being hit unaware!
Clairedoll I was just about to reply and say that's great that the spotting has stopped but thinking about it you're right, if I spot then I know I'm not pregnant whereas not spotting gives me reason to hope. I don't test anymore, too depressing, so rely on not seeing the spotting.
Hi MrsDuckie and girls, just to add my own experience. Not on the pill. I never used to spot before my first baby 2 years ago. Other than perhaps a tiny bit of spotting JUST before my period, like literally, say earlier on the same day I'd get my period, I'd perhaps get a few small brown spots first, and then a few hours later, or at the end of that day I'd get full flow. Always saw it as a very convenient prep sign!
After my first baby and especially after my m/c last January I started getting more days' worth of brown spotting, around 3-5 days before AF.

Drs say it's normally old blood from the previous cycle that just hadn't all cleared with previous period so it clears just before the next one arrives.
And it's most probably the same thing (old blood clearing) even if the brown spotting lasts few days just before AF. A safe rule to judge whether it is just old blood rather than a worrying sign (i.e. related to low progesterone leading to inability to form a sufficient uterus lining to host the eggy/maintain a pregnancy) is to check whether this spotting starts AFTER around dpo10-11. So, depending on the actual length of your individual cycle, 3-5 days of spotting just before AF could still be normal/not a problem.

Please update us if you do see the dr / get your bloods checked. Good luck honey and babydust to all of you girls xx
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Thanks for your stories everyone. Xx
So it seems that as usual and rather confusingly, it isn't always one thing for certain. I am now worried about low progesterone as some internet research lead me to that as a possibility.
My spotting this month started at 7/8dpo which is really early. Stopped entirely yesterday, not a thing. Then darker today. This is certainly the weirdest cycle spotting wise that I've had.
Need to get onto my drs for an appointment. Will keep you guys posted. Babydust to all xxx
Definitely worth an appointment with the doctor MrsD. If everything seems fine from their point of view and not low progesterone then it might be worth you trying reflexology or acupuncture to balance your system? I have both and my spotting shortened to an average of 3 days where it used to be on average 5-6.
Definitely worth an appointment with the doctor MrsD. If everything seems fine from their point of view and not low progesterone then it might be worth you trying reflexology or acupuncture to balance your system? I have both and my spotting shortened to an average of 3 days where it used to be on average 5-6.

I have literally just started to organise an acupuncture initial consultation this past week and last night got in touch with a holistic therapist! So I'm pleased to hear that you have found that both improved your spotting. I went to yoga this week and have ordered all sorts of herbal teas... lol! Really on a de-stress mission at the moment because I'm sure that stress at work and then obviously worrying about TTC at home is building up my stress levels. Cortisol (released when stressed!) can imbalance your hormones.

So I'll definitely get in touch with my GP but will also go down this alternative therapy route. Even if it's just for my sanity! Haha...

Hope everyone is all good. x
I used to spot mid month or a week before AF. I started taking bee pollen (raw granules) 2 table spoons a day in the morning before breakfast. I took it for a few months and spotting stopped!

Im 100% sure bee pollen helped me! xx
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