Sounds before birth from Pampers


Well-Known Member
Apr 25, 2005
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Hello girls!!!

I subscribed to the pampers site and had this CD through the post. It is nice, it plays you classical music and then a few seconds of how baby hears it in the womb, interesting!!!!

Am trying to stimulate him today as he has been pretty quiet!!! Had a long bath in which I kept turning from a side to another until I could feel him move and now we are listening to the CD.

Mind you, he might be so annoyed that he might decide to come out lol
That's cool! I didn't play classical music to Elliott before I had him but I did sing along to lots of classic Kate Bush (to my husband's disgust!) so I'm hoping that he'll be a fan when he's older! Anyway, he's been grizzling for no real reason a lot the past few days and my Mum suggested playing him some classical music as she said it calmed me and my brother and we particularly liked complex music like early music or composers with complex harmonies like Bach. Radio 3 is having a Bach Xmas so everything they're playing is Bach and he does seem to be really interested! When the commentator comes in and starts talking he screws his face up ready to cry! I've managed to actually do stuff today like washing up and cooking thanks to Bach so there must be something in it!

Hey FM, you know that baby's normally go quiet before you go into labour..... :D

Do I sense some cuddles coming on tonight???? ;)
Oh no, no cuddles for a while now, the doctor really did hurt me when she did that sweep!!! It feels a bit like when it was your first time lol

I should have left baby on his own then because now he is waking up lol

Well, the sweep was not that unsuccessful as I had a bloody show this morning but that does not mean anything at all!!! Labour can happen anytime and according to what I have read, you are really overdue if you are past 42 weeks, not before, so I guess baby is coming late but induction date is the 3rd of January anyway, no choice for him left after that lol
I got that CD too -thought it was really good apart from the family they used it was all bit to "ya ya darling" for me!? Good though!

By the way futuremum almost 4 months since I stopped smoking!!!

L x

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