Sore Cervix. Stabbing pressure pain.


Well-Known Member
Jan 28, 2010
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I've had sore Cervix for a few days to the point I can't bare DTD as it hurts to much. Tried again last night and it was disgusting I actually felt like my cervix had caved in and were open. Since then I've had a stabbing pressure pain down there as if something is going to go "pop".
Has any one experienced this or know what it could be?

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I get random stabbing pain down there sometimes, have you actually tried to feel your cervix? perhaps it has started dilating a little? xx
No I wouldn't know how to check lol x

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Lol I must be a weirdo, I can check mine! Sooo TMI lol - I hope you aren't in too much pain! xx
I had random stabbing pains in my cervix in tri 3 both pregnancies but sex was never more than mildly uncomfortable for me.
OK, here goes. basically closed it just feels like a mini ring donut but not a hole as such in the middle, dilated it feels thinner, softer and you can easily get a finger in the hole. I plan on checking mine when in labour so I don't leave for the hospital too soon :rofl: I sound like a nutter! x
I checked my CP when TTC but my cervix was way too high to reach in tri 3, until the day before labour started when it got low enough to feel (that happened both times). I had planned to feel it in labour out of curiosity but when it came to it to get into the right position to feel it with my huge bump in the way was not something I felt like doing when I was having contractions.
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Didn't see this post before now and actually posted something similar just now. Not sure what it is! Xx
If baby's head is starting to engage, the head will be pressing on your pelvic nerves down towards your cervix which can cause the electric shock type sensation x
Oooo. Well I have a midwife appointment next week so we shall see what she says xx

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I'm getting sharp pains in my cervix occasionally aswell (have done since Monday). I assume it's baby engaging - I'm 38 weeks tomorrow. Got midwife today so will see what she says.

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