awww hunny (((((((((((((((Kay)))))))))))))))))))))))))))
dont beat yourself up over this, its normaly belive it or not!
I had slight post natel depression after having my son, i felt the same as you, cried alot and was very tired, he cried constantly after he was born, and was sick every 5 mins, he also seemd like he feed every hour which i knew wasnt right.
i went back and forth to teh docs with him and they kept telling me he was fine, in the end i changed docs and took him, turns out he had a milk alergy, which was making him sick and hungry all teh time, hes belly was poorly which was making him cry.
he was out on to soya milk and within hours he was a diffrent baby, happy content, it was only then that we really bonded!
you sound shattered hun, which isnt going to help your emotions, plus you had such a rough ride giving birth, you need to give yourself a pat pn the back to be honest, you have done so well to get yourself back!
if summer is crying alot and feeding lots, maybe think about changeing her milk? not to soya, coz she doesnt have an allergy, but to a diffrent brand? thats if your not brest feeding of course.
farleys do a milk which is made for hungrier babies, other brands prob do aswell, but i know more about farleys.
I think your mum is right tho, you should talk to someone, if not the doc then your midwife or health visitor, they are not going to judgeyou hun, there are there to help.
they can sugest diffrent things to try and might make life a bit easier.
hang in there tho, i promise you, it does get better
dont beat yourself up over this, its normaly belive it or not!
I had slight post natel depression after having my son, i felt the same as you, cried alot and was very tired, he cried constantly after he was born, and was sick every 5 mins, he also seemd like he feed every hour which i knew wasnt right.
i went back and forth to teh docs with him and they kept telling me he was fine, in the end i changed docs and took him, turns out he had a milk alergy, which was making him sick and hungry all teh time, hes belly was poorly which was making him cry.
he was out on to soya milk and within hours he was a diffrent baby, happy content, it was only then that we really bonded!
you sound shattered hun, which isnt going to help your emotions, plus you had such a rough ride giving birth, you need to give yourself a pat pn the back to be honest, you have done so well to get yourself back!
if summer is crying alot and feeding lots, maybe think about changeing her milk? not to soya, coz she doesnt have an allergy, but to a diffrent brand? thats if your not brest feeding of course.
farleys do a milk which is made for hungrier babies, other brands prob do aswell, but i know more about farleys.
I think your mum is right tho, you should talk to someone, if not the doc then your midwife or health visitor, they are not going to judgeyou hun, there are there to help.
they can sugest diffrent things to try and might make life a bit easier.
hang in there tho, i promise you, it does get better