Somethings been niggling me


Well-Known Member
Jan 19, 2010
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Hi Girls!

So some of you may remember that my AF hadn't arrived before I went on holiday a couple of weeks ago.. It was supposed to arrive on 26th May but didn't arrive. I did 2 HPT's before I went away and both were negative. While I was away my AF arrived on 3rd June so 8 days late. I assumed it was a normal AF but something about it has been really bugging me.....

It only last for 2 days and I usually get at least a few cramps as she starts and usually get a 'stretched' feeling down below fo a few hours too. But this time I had no cramps/stretched feelings what so ever. I wouldn't have even known my AF had started if I hadn't looked at the tissue!!

My periods have gradually been getting shorter after coming off the pill they went 50days, 43days, 36days. So why go back up to 44 days??

Also last week I was super tired! I usually go to bed around 11pm and wake up at 6.20am for work which I found ok, but during the day I found myself getting exhausted!! I even fell asleep one afternoon which I never ever do! I had lots of sleep over the weekend though so I feel ok today.

Also for the past few days my pee has smelt really strong!! (sorry tmi).

My question is ... could my AF just been quite heavy implantation bleeding or was it a real AF and I was just tired last week??

Have any of you lovely ladies had heavy implantation bleeding??

I'm tempted to test coz it's niggling me that much! But I really don't want to waste a test if you all think it was a proper AF!

Hope some of you can help!

hi i would test anyway , just to be sure. if it was implantation it should show on any test by now so just buy a cheapie, at least that way u will know. x

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