Something wrong?


Well-Known Member
Dec 19, 2015
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Hi, I am currently TTC. My period is not due until Friday (four days away). Last Friday I started to get period pain style cramps which remained all day. That evening I had some really light spotting, which continued all weekend. I assumed from reading other posts that this was implantation bleeding? This morning I woke up and the cramping seems to be worse. It is now very uncomfortable and I am aware of it all the time. I have been peeing loads all weekend so I took a pregnancy test this morning just to check which came back negative, although ideally I should have waited until Friday before testing. Not sure if something is wrong? Should the cramping be this uncomfortable?
Hi, For me it was different with every pregnancy. First one I was not aware until I was 7 weeks pregnant, but the next 3 I knew since day 1. Some had cramping some not. Do you have any other symptoms as well?
It's so hard to interpret early pregnancy symptoms as they are very similar to period symptoms. With me I felt pregnant 4 days before I was due. I got a headache (which I never get) and was exhausted. Took a test 4 days early in he evening and got a positive.

But in the past I've had loads of symptoms and not been pregnant. Then I question whether I imagined them lol

Give it a day or 2 then test. Xx
Thanks for replying both.
Regarding other symptoms I have been very tired just lately. Boobs are not sore but I have been peeing loads.
I don't want to over think the symptoms and then they end up not being anything. Like you say, I'm already questioning whether or not I am imagining things...
Try a First response on day due.
They really are the best from what everyone says and picked mine up 6 days before due, but digi didn't.
Relax, keep fingers crossed and check again when due. Easier said than done, I know!
Good luck! Xx
Taken yesterday morning, the day of my expected period.


  • rsz_1img_20160129_191604.jpg
    17.8 KB · Views: 54
There are two line! You are pregnant congrats

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