Something else to worry about now


Well-Known Member
Jan 23, 2007
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Went and got my blood test results from my Doc this morning. All is as it should be thanks god :cheer:

But I mentioned to him about the spotting that starts 1wk b4 my period. It always starts on CD21 and lasts till AF shows up. And also if we BD during that week I bleed. I don't bleed any other time of my cycle though. He thinks it may be cervical erosion again and he said that sometimes with that the cervix closes up and the sperm can't get through and this could be why we've not got PG yet. So he's refered me to the chuff doctor again so the can have a look. He said it's treatable though so not to worry (yeah right!!)

He also recommended charting so I've just registered with FF so be prepared for loads of questions about this ladies lol.

Oh yeah and the witch got me today, one day early :evil:
Theres always one thing after another when it comes to bad news.
Its a good sign however that u might have a reason to why you have not got pregnant and it can be treated, so your on your way to a BFP.
Meanwhile a lot of :hug: :hug: :hug: to you :hug:
skairdy kat - sorry Af got you but at least your dr is referring you so you might get some answers and he hs said its treatable so although it may not feel like it thats a good thing!

Feel free to join us in chartstalkers - everyone is great and there are plenty of people to answer your charting qs
sorry hun - at least you got a referral :hug:
I hope that all turns out well in the end for you Skairdy, at least you're getting to see the people who can help :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Sorry AF's arrived too, very best wishes for next time :pray: :hug: :pray:

Sorry but "chuff doctor" made me lol :shock:
Sorry to hear this Skairdy :hug: Hope things get sorted for you soon. I look forward to seeing you in chart stalkers :hug: :D

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