some friendly advice needed


Jan 6, 2009
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Hello, I am new to this forum and new to the 'trying to concieve' gang! Ihave only be trying for the last two months, my period arrived on time and as normal the last time however this time I am 3 days late. I have tried a home pregnancy test and it came out negative. My symptoms are very swollen and sore breasts ( which I normally get three days before period but not when starts...have had sore breats for 1 week now). I have also been getting cramping which I always get the day before and for the first two days of my period.
My partner and I tried from day 10-16 and a few days after that I started feeling light cramping which has continued then got stronger the day my period was due.
Since my test was negative what do you suggest?? It is so ahrd to know when to stop thinking about it...if you know what I mean. I am always so regular, it just seems very out of norm but could that just be because I am so focused on it that I may be delaying it through stress? I don't feel stressed??!!???
Sorry so many questions for my first post, but reading some of your posts I feel like I am among 'friends' :) x
Hi hun and welcome to TTC.
The only suggestion I can make is to leave it a couple of days and if still no AF then test again. Sometimes our bodies can play games and it seems that with the festive period quite a few ladies have had delayed af's, BUT fingers crossed yours is more a late test show which also happens alot and you get your BFP in the next couple of days :pray:
Thanks hun
Some god advice, have just posted Q on your January THread forum as am a little confused by the abbreviations everyone is I just being a bit slow?! ;) x
No worries hun. your not slow btw, we were all new once! I did answer you on the other thread so have a nose xxxxx
Hi, welome to the forum and good luck ttc
what type of test di dyou use? It might be worth wating a couple of days then re- testing.
You said youve been tryign the past 2 months, if you've just come off the pill it might be your body settleing into its normal cycle, but fingers crossed you get a bfp.
thanks for that, I used a Predictor home test. I have been off the pill for the last year as wanted to get my body into 'sync' before starting to try.
Think I will wait and if no show by Fri will test again!!
fingers crossed
thanks xx
Did you use first morning urine? This contains a higher concentration of hCG (which the test picks up) and is more likely to give you a +ve if you are pregnant.

I'd try again with FMU in a couple of days.

just want to say welcome and good luck xxx

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