So worried


Well-Known Member
Feb 16, 2011
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Hi, I have been trying for a baby for almost 2 years and found out last week I am expecting, I am now 5 weeks. I have had 3 positive results but not been to the docs yet as she is on a weeks holiday! Can't wait to go next week. My big worry is that at work they have been redecorating and so I have been exposed to strong paint fumes for 2 weeks. I only work 4 hours a day but I am now so worried I am thinking of phoning in sick the rest of this week as I really don't want to be around the fumes any more. I work in a post office with no opening windows so no real ventilation. I am so worried its upsetting me to think that thhe baby I have wanted for so long has been put at risk. :(
:wave: hi hun and welcome to PF!

Firstly congratulations on your pregnancy.

My suggestion would be to tell your work that the fumes are giving you headaches, to see if they can accommodate you in some way, without letting on that you are pregnant?

Hi Princess, thank you! There really isn't much they can do except to open the back door to let a little air in but as it is a post office we have to be in a secure locked room! My worry is that it is too late and the damage is done.
Oh hun, do self-certificate and tell them you feel sick and have a headache because of the fumes. They should either provide better conditions or let you stay at home, nobody should be subjected to this
Hi, thanks for your reply, its so nice to have people to talk to about this! My boss is really good but I really don't want anyone to know yet as it is such early days. I don't even know what a self certificate is! I am so new to all this!
I only recently found out, you can self-certificate up to 7 days, after that you need to go to a GP (so I was told), speak to your boss about not feeling well because of the fumes.
Ah I see! So he wouldn't have to know! Sorry for being blonde - I blame it on the pregnancy hormones ;) Thanks for your advice, much appreciated!
Oh yes for sure call in sick hun. Look at it this way - your sick days will be long forgotten in a matter of weeks but you and your baby's health is forever. :)
Thanks Sunnygirl! I think its my only option really, I am feeling so tired this week as well so it will be good to rest for a bit! :nap:
So I called in sick today, feel really guilty but I know its for the best. :) Feel a bit sick this evening for the first time, but hungry at the same time, is that normal? The only other symptoms really have been tiredness. A nice cup of lemon and ginger tea and I feel ready to make my dinner! :) Hope everyone is ok tonight. x

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