So which test is best ?

Ali 2005

Oct 4, 2005
Reaction score
Newly wed and 5 days past my normally very regular period... so wondering if this could be it!!!!

Are there any differences between the tests out there sitting on the shelf waiting for me to go and buy ?
I always got my tests from:

They are cheap and very effective and you get them really quickly - I could never see the point on spending a fortune when they alldo the same thing!!

Good luck xx
Hi Kerry
Thanks for the web page for, just applied for some for future use. Thanks again.
Love Jacqui.
ali if you have already missed af any test should work now if you have a pound shop in your area they sell them and apparently they are as good as any other good luck xxxx
I agree with the pound land thing, i thought their tests were great. For me they showed up positive day af was due were as a predicter test was negative a week later(I was addicted to testing, lol).
I used the 10hcg ones from Ebay. Cost under £1 each including shipping.

My mum bought me a first response test though just to double check their result.
I got a very fast positive with the Clearblue digital test as I needed to convince the DH that I was in fact pergnant. I was sure of it but needed to convince him.

The bright blue "PREGNANT" letters were all it took to convince him

But it did cost £15 for 3 tests, but at the time I decided it was worth it as I couldn't stand the thought of gazing at blue lines or pink lines etc
i found the cheap tests showed up more than the expensive ones, like clear blue, and first responce
Wow Ali - five days late - you're far more patient than I ever was!

I agree - even the cheapest test should work now.

Best of luck

Not yet... working away from home this week, will wait until back with DH before we test... fairly sure about the outcome anyway, feeling slightly weird and am always as regular as regular can be !
Sounds very promising Ali!! Good luck with test.. very exciting!

I also bought a batch from Ebay recently.. haven't used any yet. :(

I think I paid £10 for 10 tests - I think they were from a company called "thenewyou" or something like that.. they look like the tests from doctors / hospitals and are 20hcg so can test first day AF overdue..

keep us posted!!
Wow... a tesco test later its a Great Big Fat Positive!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Congrats Ali!!!

how many weeks does that make you?
Brilliant news Ali, CONGRATULATIONS!! :D :D :D
congrats Ali.!!! #
.. what a wonderful weekend present to yourselves.. a big fat + !!
have fun celebrating..

all the best
congratulations ali hope you have a happy healthy 9 months xxxx

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