So unhappy ! Still no BFP !!


Well-Known Member
Dec 8, 2009
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AF got me today on CD 20!!! My cycles were regular 28 days until last month when I went 32 days................. but this month its only 20??? Its not like a normal AF but browny colour when wiping this afternoon which has turned alot redder tonight!!! Not alot more to say really other than im feeling really down and desperate now xxxxxx
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Aw hun I didn't wanna read and run. Sometimes are body mucks us around, there are a few herbal remedies that are supposed to regulate your cycle... I'll find out what they r if you want
Have you been stressed or ill recently that could have caused it to come early?

I had a similar thing last month, I usually have a 32 day cycle and the witch arrived on CD27! This month I ovulated on CD21 so am looking at 35 days. It just goes to show that our bodies don't like to be predicatable.

Maybe see the dr if they continue to be irregular.

So is it proper red bleeding or still only brown?

Could it be IB? or is it to heavy for that?
Do you know when you OV?
Yea that's what I was going to say ^^^ is it still red? Or red/brown as it's early it might be implantation x
If the bleeding isn't as heavy as a normal AF and isn't bright red (like fresh blood) and without any clots then it could be IB! xx
HI everyone thanks for your comments!!!! just got back from lovely weekend away and i am still getting brown when wiping sometimes its a bit red but its def not like a normal AF yet..................... this has been four days of brown when wiping..... how long do you bleed with IB ?? does anyone know. PS ive don HPT and got BFNS every time my last one being this evening and still BFN!! Thanks for your help girlsxxxxx
brown for 4 days?? surely that has to be IB? I've never had IB but people always say its brown or pink and not red so I reckon this is looking good mushy.

if it is IB, then I think you need to wait a while before testing. If im wrong, somebody correct me but I think its only when IB has happened that the body starts producing hcg so it could be too early for your testing.

fingers crossed mushy :D
Sounding good Mushy, I had three days of brown IB, exactly when my AF was due, hang in there, I did not get a BFP for a good few days after as levels were not high enougth

Fingers crossed for you XX
God just when i thought i maybe out youve all give me hope and got me excited now........ its good to stay positive isnt it and not just presume the worst.............. thanks ladies love you all x x x
p.s dont wanna speak too soon but it looks like even the brown has gone now and back to normal whitey colour!!! Sorry if TMI !!!!! x x x
Good luck mushy! Hope this is it and you will get your :bfp: in a couple of days!

Another BFN today!!! on cycle day 26 now x x
So Sorry to go on girls but another BFN again this morn and have cramps as if AF maybe coming back!!! God knows what the brown when wiping wass last week!!! doesnt look like IB at all anymore.
We have hit the 6 month markfor trying now and its really taking its toll on me now, starting to feel like a failure!
To top it off my mum has had a bloody big go at me tonight over not offering to take her out often enough!!! She sits in her blody house all day long festering over what to moan about next!!! Shes only 55 coz she cant drive i get it inthe neck when shes bored!!! petty enough but she had me sobbing tonight like only a mother could lol !!!!!! Wouldnt mind im not a little kid im 32 and work full time ........ I have a husband who I like to spend my spare time with because I dont get enough quality time!!!!

OMG sorry I have just realised how much ive gone off on one myself!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! So sorry girls x x x x x x
Mushy xx
Aw mushy. Can totally sympathis with the mother thing. Mines the same. She's a bored housewife who's lucky enough to of never had to work! But moans she's bored and doesn't see me enough. But she just doesn't see anyone. Get out! Be a volunteer, make some friends. Aaarrrggghhh. So know how you feel. Mothers. Who'd have em
Hey Mushy Ive had a really irratic month too got af on 5th May then again on 28th giving me a 23 day cycle....not my usual 'bleeding like a pig with its throat cut' af (sorry girls) but a lot lighter and like you loads of brown gunge and red alternating between the two! Its frustrating isnt it!!! Hopefully we will get ours this month tho
Well witch finally got me good and proper!!!! Dont knowwhat last week was all about but shes definately here now!!! Boooooooooooooo!!!!!
Sorry she got you Mushy. Fx for next month xx

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