Lots of sticky baby dust to you!! And me!! I'm currently in my tww. We've been trying for 12 years. Our miracle baby will be 13 on New Years eve. We've in all these years only done one cycle of fertility . .. clomid.... about 3 cycles ago. Just kind of gave up I guess. I don't temp or opk. Too stressful!! I'm new here and live in the US. I've had 4 mc, 2 Chem pregs, and 1 successful pregnancy. I've had tons of symptoms and I'm not a symptom spotter, as I gave that up long ago after so many disappointments. But I'm currently experiencing
Nausea (sometimes w/vomitting)
Light/dull cramps
Mood swings (up,down,all around, lol)
Food cravings/a versions
Sore (.)(.)... mainly stabbing pains on the sides
Prominent veins
Leg/hip/arm/hand/elbow cramps
General "off/blah feeling
Creamy/lotion cm
Pregnancy brain
Have already taken 3 bfn hpt's (I know it's waay too early)
My last cycle was somewhere mid Sept (can't recall exact date
my cycle is regular but the last one was kind of funny. Next one shoukd arrive by Oct 12-18. Killing me to wait not POAS!! don't want to get my hopes up but after waiting so long I'm praying this is it!! I hope we both get our
and can be bump buddies!! Best of luck tons of STICKY ICKY BABY DUST!!