So stressed and depressed today

star fish

Well-Known Member
Aug 14, 2010
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You might remember I recently said we were moving for hubbys new job? Well we did and he doesnt like it......

He decided to quit today. We live in West Wales and he's a chef and there isnt an awful lot of work here. So we made the decision to go home to Bristol (we own a house there so at least we will have somewhere to live). And there are greater chances of getting work for us both in the city.

But we are both not happy. We've lived down here for 2 years and its become home. Its nice living in the countryside yet next to the sea as well.

Is it so wrong that we have fallen out today because I'm ovulating right now and he says he has too much on his mind and this isnt the time? Am I being selfish to push? I just dont want to wait another whole month....

Now he's at the village pub drowing his sorrows and I'm on here ranting to you guys! Any advice?
Really sorry to hear things haven't worked out well with his job, your home in Wales sounds beautiful I don't blame you for not wanting to leave, but the positive is that you have another home to go to so at least that is piece of mind in these uncertain times. If I were you i would let DH blow off some steam at the pub, then when he gets home have a nice cuddle together and gently take things from there. I can only imagine this is a very difficult time for you both but as my good friend bob marley says ..."don't worry about a thing, cause every little thing is gunna be alright" x x x
I agree with Vicky! Let him blow of some steam and take it from there!!

I agree with Vicky too. Let him get it out of his system and dont push him. I understand how you must be feeling but I think even though this is something you want, its not fair to ignore how how feels too when things are not right. When he gets in from the pub, have a big cuddle and go to bed and see what happens ;)
Hope you're ok Star. Maybe give him a couple of hours (which by now he's probably had) and go down there, have a drink with him and try and have a nice of chatting things through?

Here if you want to talk.

Thanks girls, so sweet of you, and really I shouldnt moan when in general we are happy, but sometimes life seems hard. I went and had a drink with him, he's chilled now and unfortunately snoring like a force nine! Oh well.... maybe we will still be in time tomorrow morning.
Glad you talked. Sorry to hear about the snoring though. Been there!! Hope you get some time together tmrw morning ;) xxx
Aaaw, hun. I'm glad he's chilled out now (altho a bit too much lol). It's horrible that you've got the added pressures but if you move back to Bristol I'm sure you'll be just as happy and can you take little breaks back to the countryside from time to time?
I suppose ultimately it's about making the best of your situation. Altho that can seem impossible at times. I think that if you are generally happy then you will find a way back to this. If the pressure of his work calms down a bit I'm sure it will help you both.
It's a shame he's not game tonight, you'll have to get in there tomoro morning ;-) xx
:hug: I am in bristol.... But it is not as ideallic as ur house in wales sounds! Hope it all works out for u both
Sorry StarFish :hugs:

Are things any better today?

I don't think it matters if guys are "tired", as long as you are willing to put all the effort in :)

I don't have a problem with forcing the issue either if i have to. Unromantic yes, but i don't think it compromises the relationship. I think feeling like you aren't both as willing to put the effort to have babies can add strain though.

My hubby is yet to refuse my advances if he gets to chill out during.

I'm really sorry that you are both so unhappy in Bristol :( I can totally understand.

It's horrible having to live where you don't want to be :hug:

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