So scared!!


Well-Known Member
Jan 24, 2013
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I came off microgynon 30 at the beginning of Aug. I had the normal withdrawal bleed and then nothing since then. I've been referred by my doctor and myself and my husband have an appointment with the fertility clinic on Thursday. I'm so scared. My husband had to have a SA done and he is all good which is great but I keep thinking I must have a big problem like PCOS or I'm infertile or have gone through early menopause without realising etc.
When I came off microgynon it took over a year for my periods to return to sort of normal. I say sort of as I've never had regular periods it was one of the reasons the doctor put me on the pill.

Try not to worry, I know it is a stupid thing to say and you will anyway! Go calmly to the appointment and fingers crossed for you :)
Just wanted to say hun pcos is not a big problem, yeah fair enough it can make ttc more difficult but it can be treated xxx
Hiya! It could just be taking a bit longer for your body to get back to normal after the pill.

But like helen said, and I have pcos too, there are lots of things you can do yourself to improve it aswell as different treatment options so its not the end of the world and lots of women with pcos go on to conceive healthy happy babies, it might just take a bit longer xx
Thank you ladies! I know I'm probably being over dramatic. At least I'm seeing a doctor so if there are any issues we can start sorting them. :eh:
I came off pill (cerazette) in Aug and have not had a period since - so you're not alone. It turns out I do have pcos. It is great that you have the appintmeny so you can get it all checked out - as the other ladies have said, once you know what you're dealing with, you can start to figure out how to deal with it. I'd be really interested to hear how your appointment goes as I have one in 2 weeks.

Did your gp do any blood tests or anything?

Good luck to you :dust:

Anna x
How did they diagnose you with PCOS (if you don't mind me asking). Have they given you anything for the PCOS or is that what your appointment is for? Sorry for all the questions! How long were you on the pill and did you have any issues with AF before?
To diagnose it - gp did a blood test, which showed hormone imbalance. To confirm it was definitely pcos, gp then sent me to hospital for an internal scan of ovaries. As soon as the nurse took one look, straightaway she said yep there's tons of cysts here so it was really clear cut it was pcos.

I had been on the pill more or less continuously since I was 18. I had pretty irregular periods as a teenager, and also other classic pcos symptoms since I was about 13 such as bad skin and excess hair growth (although I didn't know it was pcos at the time). I came off the pill just to give my body a break about 4-5 years ago but was having really long cycles so doctor just put me back on the pill again. I wasn't thinking at all about ttc at that point so didn't question what the issue was - wish I had then though!

Fertility appointment is now to start figuring out best course of action to tackle the pcos and get me ovulating I hope!

Hope that helps, feel free to pm me with any other Qs


Anna x
Hiya, I just wanted to add that to diagnose pcos they look for two out of three things, hormone imbalance on a blood test, cysts of a scan or pcos symptoms. When I went for the scan they didn't see any cysts and the sonographer said they are hard to find sometimes and not needed for diagnoses. Just my experience.
Ok so my consultant thinks I might have pcos. He has prescribed me chlomid and something else to make me come on. Once I come on I'll call, make an appointment for the scan and start taking chlomid. Then about 10-15 days later I'll have a scan to see if I've ovulated. If I have and its only 1 egg then they'll let me go away and try and get pregnant. If there are more than one follicle/egg then they will lower the dosage and we have to wait to start trying.
That's great they prescribed you clomid straight away, fingers crossed it does the trick for you xx

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