So nervous!


Well-Known Member
May 5, 2013
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Morning ladies I'm nervously joining you all in tri 1 2 months ago I had an early mc at 5 5 I was devastated last month I got a bfp on a Sainsbury's digi in the afternoon but then by the next morning it was a bfn :-( my af was due yday and I thought the witch was coming I put a pad on and felt wet but when I went to the toilet at lunch it was just lots of cd sorry fir tmi! I did an ic test last night and I could see a line so I rushed out 4 some better tests Ive done 6 so far and all have lines! I am so happy but so scared! Please let this be my sticky bean! In true style it was prob the worst month to get it as I was meant to be drinking all weekend I'm going to Thailand in 3 weeks and am up 4 a promotion at work but I just don't care! I'm so happy!! Il post my test pics xxxx
ImageUploadedByTapatalk1370588397.850824.jpgthis morning what do u all think?! I don't think I ov on day 14 So maybe think I'm about 11 12 days ov xxx
Eehh no mistaking you're defs pregnant, congratulations!! There doesn't seem to be a perfect time to have a baby but it doesn't matter as when he or she comes it'll just be amazing. Loads of sticky baby dust for you xxx
Congratulations hun,

FX for a sticky bean for you.

Michelle. x
Thank you ladies I'm so happy just keeping everything crossed! I'm so tired but I think it's cus I was awake all night lol!! Xxxx
Nice to see you here Natalie :) Welcome xx
Congrats Hun! As above, not sure there is a perfect time - I had lots of plans for this summer which are now on hold but this is more important lol and there is always next year!
Wishing you a happy and healthy 9 !
Thanks ladies I'm in shock finding it so hard to sit at work and not say anything lol! Xxxx
yay congratulations, fingers crossed for a super sticky bean x
Thankyou ladies I'm so happy but extremely nervous!! Fx for a sticky bean please please!! Xxxx

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