SO Emotional


Well-Known Member
Nov 10, 2006
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I think I am going insane! I am so emotional at the moment, I literally cry at least once a day. Its not like i am unhappy or anything but I cant stop crying. Sent my OH to the pub tonight so I can have a good sob. I was emotional with my first child but not this bad.

Also, why is it that being pregnant makes people think that it is ok to call you fat?? I work in I.T and therefore the majority of colleagues are male. In the last week I have been called "Wideloader" and "Pie eater" as well as some other lovely names! Now I havent completey had a sense of humour bypass but hearing it all day everyday can get a bit too much sometimes. Plus the problem is if I try and explain to them that their comments are not really appreciated I'll probably start crying!!! :wall:
I call myself fat and people tell me I'm not fat and they look more pregnant than I do..

It's ok to be emotional though, hormones are everywhere.. i'm still a nightmare, if I'm not sleeping I'm either crying because I think OH is going to leave me (which i'm assured isn't the case), or I feel guilty that maybe he doesn't want a baby and he's just doing it because he feels he has to (which also isn't the case), or that I hold him back from doing his usual fun things because there's places I can't go to anymore..

Is there someone nice at work you could mention it to that you're a bit hormonal at the moment (if you say it in a bloke way, they'll be cool with it) - I tell my boss I feel a bit emotional or hormonal and because he's a bloke, saying it in the most blunt way makes sense to him. They shouldn't be calling you names you aren't comfortable with, and you shouldn't be stressing about these sort of things while pregnant (or otherwise) so I really would say something. Even if it makes you feel a bit awkward for a few hours after it's been mentioned to your colleagues, they probably wouldn't dare start up again after knowing you've said something once.

Sorry for the rant, I never manage to say things without writing huge paragraphs :doh:

hugs :hug: x
I used to get that when i was carrying ellis.... "hiya Fatty!!" so i would just reply with an insult back, like "alright ging" xxxxx
When I'm really annoyed I'd say things like that..

If I have problems standing up off my chair or something and anyone would make fun I would probably just come out with, oh I'll leave you to fetch that for me then since you're up already.. or just something that makes them like ooh ok I'll not mess with her lol

Not that I'm nasty or anything, honestly :)
Hi, yes i can relate to being hormonal. I spent all of the past weekend crying! What a pain. I'm getting some 'body issues' about feeling fat so i hate it when im then called fat as well! (never by women!)

Is anyone else finding their partner has gone all disinterested in sex? Mine keeps calling me 'mumsey' and i hate it! He only wants to be cuddly not sexy at all and its making my self-esteem really suffer. :(

Hope those silly men at work sort it out, i think they just dont know how to relate to us when preggers! :?

xx :hug:
Yogabird - pregnancy is a good excuse to buy a new bra and knicker set (with your newly inflated boobs and increasing hip size) and then parade it and be like 'ooh, i like my new womanly shape actually, what do you think...' that works for me LOL or get him to adjust your bra straps or something to 'make sure they fit properly' :wink:

Or alternatively get a babydoll I think it's called - something like this...

as it emphasizes your bump but is still sexy.

Sorry for taking over this thread with underwear advice :wall:
My fella isn’t put off sex because I am pregnant, he is put off it because I practically jump him every second I get him alone in bed, poor fella is crying for a night off! I just tell him that he will go for months without it but he never complains during it!

As for the underwear, I tend to wear those French knicker/ hot pants type things, he goes crazy for them! They are very well fitting and make ladies with curves look fab!
I'm an emotional wreck too :D Have posted about this further down!

:hug: Jendon, you are not going insane sweetie. its just your hormones jumping all over the place. I ran over a red squiral yesterday and couldnt stop crying. people must have thought one of my family had died or something as I was a wreck. i have only been driving for 5 months and it is the first time i have killed an animal and it really really upset me to the point that i went off my food and even thought about putting flowers where I ran over him. I still feel bad about it now and OH just thinks im nuts and said the squiral will be chucking his nuts at me. x
Little Miss Joslyn said:
:hug: Jendon, you are not going insane sweetie. its just your hormones jumping all over the place. I ran over a red squiral yesterday and couldnt stop crying. people must have thought one of my family had died or something as I was a wreck. i have only been driving for 5 months and it is the first time i have killed an animal and it really really upset me to the point that i went off my food and even thought about putting flowers where I ran over him. I still feel bad about it now and OH just thinks im nuts and said the squiral will be chucking his nuts at me. x

I ran over a bottle once and my OH said it was a cat miaowing and i'd just run over it, then he turned around and I was in tears, and he was like 'I was only joking, love' :twisted:

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