So confused!! Help?


Well-Known Member
Oct 8, 2016
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Had my period on the 18th of October till the 24th.
My hubby and I have been having lots of unprotected sex in this whole month.
Technically I was supposed to ovulate yesterday, but my CM is creamy, not lube like at all. I'm pretty sure I ovulated a little after my period ended, but I'm not sure.
Took an ovulation test today and it was negative (so not ovulating today or in the next 2 days) but I've been cramping lightly all day (lower abs all the way to lower back, like light period pains). And I'm also super bloaty these last few days, plus headaches and I once woke up at night feeling seriously nauseous.
Would it even be possible to have any pregnancy signs? What else could be the explanation?
How long is your cycle normally? For an average 28 day cycle you should ovulate around day 14, so 31 oct but it can vary. You are very unlikely to have ovulated just after your period unless you have an extremely short cycle. You need to opk for a few days otherwise you could miss the surge and a negative one day doesn't mean you definitely won't ovulate for the next two days as the surge can be quick but it's likely you missed it anyway if you have a 28 day cycle. I'm older but for comparison, my cycle is 29-30 days and I almost always ovulate on day 15 but I start to opk from day 10 to be sure.

The symptoms you describe are likely to be something else, or just a sign you've ovulated. I often get headaches after ovulation.

Good luck.
It may be ovulation symptoms Pink. How long are you cycles normally?
The thing is I had the eggwhite discharge earlier already, and when I was supposed to ovulate it was sticky/creamy. My cycle is usually 28 days, but that has happened to me once and I ended up ovulating almost right after my period and I ended up being pregnant from that.
It is all very strange. Can't wait to take a test next week to see
Ah well if it's happened before every chance it could have happened again.
Today again the same light period pains (except I'm far away from period time). My CM is still creamy, like yesterday. :O
I got gentle period pains very shortly after conception (before I knew) which progressively turned into full blown cramping even waking me up when AF was due, I was sure AF was coming, but it didn't. Because the pains were different (worse) and started way before AF (5-6 days) I had a feeling that it was something else so yes I think it's definitely possible to tell before you test but obviously it won't be the case for everyone xx

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