SMA gold first infant milk


Well-Known Member
Jan 30, 2013
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Hi ladies, I've bought 24 ready made up bottles of this to start us off, I'm not bf'ing. I bought this because my mil said its the best & it's what she fed my oh on when he was a baby. However I keep hearing bad things about it & now I'm worried! Do you think I should start on something different? Maybe HIPP?...I've heard they are stopping making it though? I'm also concerned as I suffer from tummy problems & I don't want my baby suffering too because the formula doesn't agree with!x
Formulas are essentially all the same Hun. Yes some kids get on better with one brand than others, but no way to tell that till you try.

It's a bit like coke and Pepsi - they taste a wee bit different, some folk like both, and some hate one and love the other - but essentially they are the same soft drink.

There isnt really a 'best' formula, they all have the required nutrients for baby, so its just going to depend on what your LO gets on with. Unfortunately the only way to know that is to feed your LO and see how it goes. Sorry its not much help.

If youre really worried about the sma then choose a different one, apart from losing a little money theres no reason you cant choose a milk you feel more comfortable using. But on the other hand, there might not be any problems with the SMA.

We tried Hipp at one point because we'd heard only good things (and thought it might help with some issues LO was having at the time), but our LO didnt get on with it at all, so we went back to Aptamil, but obviously a huge amount of babies get on really well with it. And we started off with cow & gate in the very beginning, and thats made by the same people as Aptamil and is supposed to be pretty much identical - but again LO just didnt get on with it. So its just very individual. :)

Try not to worry about it, whichever brand you go with will give your LO what they need, and although not ideal, you can switch at a later date if you find your LO isnt getting on with it at all. Not to be done lightly but better than your LO not feeling well because of it.
Thank you for your advice ladies. I was just concerned as hadn't heard anything good about it on here. You're right, I'll see how we go with it & will change if necessary. Thanks again x
Personally think SMA is garbage, Lo's poo turned dark green and very upset tummy. He'd poo every other day on SMA and be very unhappy on the day we were awaiting his green sticky poop. Now on hipp and the consistency is thinner so he poops better on this. He chucks up a bit more but changing milk is a pain anyway. But in general he seems so much happier on hipp. It's cheaper too except if you use the ready made milks but I found I only use 'em when I need it say at night or on the go and don't be left with half an open bottle. The 2 oz he doesn't drink from it I just bin. Downside with the ready made milks is that they aren't available anywhere. Try morrisons, asda or boots. Make sure the END DATE is still next year as OH spotted out of date ones!!! And buy them all haha! I bought 26 the other week haha. But as for anything, your Lo could be the other way around!
I have used sma from the start Harry is almost 9 weeks old now and I have had no problems the only issue really is I have had to change to the sma hungry baby milk but been no problem at all x
I've used SMA gold from day 1 and we've had no probs, my lo is 3months

My LO is 13 months and we used SMA from the start, he's thriving and doing really well! X

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