*heart opens out and poors all over the floor*
Im having an awful time. Sinse october (when hannah was about 5 months) her sleeping through completly stopped. (she'd been perfect from about 10 weeks) she is awake now about 5-10 times a night. seriously. Ive made a few posts before about this.
Shes had illness after illness latley too (nothing serious, chest infection, a cold, upset tummy) shes got 8 teeth. (all front now)
i think its triggered PND cos i do nothing but cry. Lack of sleep, spd, bleeding (i constantly bleed in the pregnancy) i have a boil on the inside of the thigh everythings just abit much now. I think i must cry like a baby everyday at some point or other.
Knowing im gonna have to go through it all again dosnt help either.
i havent come on here for a while now, cos i feel abit alienated. everyone having the best time and enjoying motherhood made me feel more isolated tbh. Im finding it really hard.
last night hannah was up every half hour. No exageration.
Its nice to know in this thread that i am not the only one tho

i really thought i was.