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sleeping thru


Well-Known Member
Oct 13, 2006
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by 6 months old- is/was ur baby sleeping thru the nite (10 or more hours with either none or one nite feed only)

*please do not vote if your baby is under 6 months* this may give me inaccurate info as mine WAS sleeping thru quite early- but then she stopped! cheers :)
I am kind of in the boat you are in.....Libby used to sleep through (from about 10 weeks old iirc, until about 4 months old.....then started waking.....then from 6 months she sometimes does & sometimes doesn't.....more often than not she doesn't though, so I've gone for NO.

Hopefully she'll sleep through before she's 15.....then we'll be doing everything we can to get them up out of bed before its time to put their pyjama's on and go back to bed :lol:
Jamie never slept thru the 1st year cos I was always puttin him in our bed to feed etc, but after I stopped bfing at 13months he went the whole night without waking once :roll:
i must be really lucky as Willow sleeps for 13 hours every night plus she will sleep for up to 3 hours during the day.

Bless her she loves her sleep :cheer:
Maia started to sleep from 7.30pm to 7.30am without food about 4 weeks ago, but... She has woken up the past 3 nights wanting food at 3am! :roll:

Also when I say sleeping through, I mean she still wakes me up a few times grizzling before going back to sleep!

My friends baby who has been exclusively breastfed still feeds at least twice a night and is 7 months on Friday.
Sorry I'm stupid and voted before I read not to :oops:

I clicked sleep through but only cos Ryan has a bottle after his 6pm breastfeed.
Jessica and Nathan both started sleeping through at around 10 weeks and they pretty much always slept through after that. Aimee started sleeping through at about 8 weeks till she was 6 months old then started waking regularly every night more than once. She still doesn't sleep through at 2 :cry:
Evie has just started sleeping through at 10+ months :cheer:

I've had a pretty relaxed attitude to it, no controlled crying or leaving her, and if she didn't settle she co slept with me and OH.

I think the turning point came when she started eating really well. Her tummy is nice and full when she goes to bed whereas while I was exclusively BF she was a bit of a snacker!
My little boy sleeps from 6.30pm until about 7am but wakes for a night milky at around 3am. He's only slept through without the night feed about 5 times in his life.
Kai slept through from 2-7 and a half months without fail every single night.

Then he started sleeping though 10 months later at 17 months :rotfl: :rotfl:

Since June he has slept through most nights, we get the odd bad night, last night it took 3 hours to get to sleep, he was asleep at midnight and got up at 8.30 :roll:
My first slept through from 8-10 weeks, my 2nd has had stages of sleeping through and then not (mostly not). At the moment I'm trying to get him to adjust to the time difference of being home from holiday (it was 5 hours behind over there) as for the past 4 nights since we've been back he's been up several times between 7-12am for his dummy or whatnot. Today feels like it's been more of a normal day again so I'm hoping he's going to sleep through again (before we went he'd started going 12 hours a night with no feeds).
Poppy has never slept through without a feed. She finally got down to one feed at the beginning of November but does not seem to want to drop it yet. My hv reckons I should stop giving her a night feed or give her water instead as she is overweight (!!!) so I may do it once she is in her own room (we're in the process of decorating it so she'll probably be in there next month)
Isaac was a terrible sleeper for many months, now he will easily sleep 10hrs without waking, only now he is waking because of teething :x I feel so sorry for LO's, they try to get into a routine and then something like teething, cold, immunisations, gets in the way and messes them up :( Isaac's main issue has always been getting to sleep, once asleep he's fine :D
Is that by 6 months or 6 years.... :rotfl: :rotfl: :rotfl: Tia didn't sleep through without needing a wee/drink/cuddle/kiss/monster search/tuck in/dummy/teddy (the list gets quite inventive) until she was 6 YEARS old... :roll: Not that I want to scare anyone...

I've only had two years of sleep... now I'm doing it all over again... :wall: :wall: :wall: Roll on 2013!!!!
Austin has only just started sleeping through. He certainly wasn't at 6 months! I don't know how long it will last this time but even the 3 nights it's been so far have been wonderful!
First two had feeds at twelve/three/six am until they were six months old nd then started to sleep longer. My third started sleeping thru at seven weeks and is still doing so at nearly six months,

maybebaby said:
Austin has only just started sleeping through. He certainly wasn't at 6 months! I don't know how long it will last this time but even the 3 nights it's been so far have been wonderful!


The less you get the more you appreciate it when it happens! lol.
*heart opens out and poors all over the floor*

Im having an awful time. Sinse october (when hannah was about 5 months) her sleeping through completly stopped. (she'd been perfect from about 10 weeks) she is awake now about 5-10 times a night. seriously. Ive made a few posts before about this.
Shes had illness after illness latley too (nothing serious, chest infection, a cold, upset tummy) shes got 8 teeth. (all front now)
i think its triggered PND cos i do nothing but cry. Lack of sleep, spd, bleeding (i constantly bleed in the pregnancy) i have a boil on the inside of the thigh everythings just abit much now. I think i must cry like a baby everyday at some point or other.
Knowing im gonna have to go through it all again dosnt help either.

i havent come on here for a while now, cos i feel abit alienated. everyone having the best time and enjoying motherhood made me feel more isolated tbh. Im finding it really hard.

last night hannah was up every half hour. No exageration.

Its nice to know in this thread that i am not the only one tho :) i really thought i was.
:hug: :hug: :hug: rachel :hug: :hug: :hug: I felt quite low for a good few months as Isaac never slept rachel, don't not come here, here you WILL get support, comfort and understanding, you are NOT alone here, I do wish you well and very best wishes, can you get to the GP's to have a chat? There may be medicine that can help you, can OH not watch LO at weekends so you can catch up on some sleep? Please keep talking about it, it will help you, you may be helping others who too feel isolated :hug: :hug: :hug:

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