Silly Pregnancy Emotions!


Well-Known Member
Sep 23, 2008
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Arrrrggggghhhh my hormones and emotions re driving me mad! I think it's 'cause I'm stuck at home all week I have too much time to think, so I drive myself crazy :?

Me and the OH were arguing (again!) last night about housework and money and I'm sitting there crying and shouting back at him "well let's split up then! Why are we even bothering?!" :shock:

Came out in the end that he's stressing about the financial side of having a baby just as much as I am. I know 16 weeks is quite a while to get things sorted, but we haven't got much for the baby at all yet except for a load of clothes! I'm now panicking 'cause I have a list of stuff I need to buy before the day...moses basket, blankets etc. and I'm getting scared we're running out of time. I'm waiting on the maternity allowance and not even sure I'm going to get it at all because I stopped working back in August but I had worked during the test period they give you.

Now I'm even questioning what sort of a mother I'm gonna be and getting scared I'm gonna do something wrong like not hold her properly or know what to do when she cries...! :cry:
Firstly have some of these :hug: :hug: And secondly, oh my god, are you sure you're not living my life??? It sounds exactly how I am at the moment, me and OH are not getting on at all and Im sure a lot of it is down to me but I cant seem to help it.

We have most of our baby stuff ready so we dont have that problem but we're falling out over everything else and believe me Ive come close to the "why are you even here then" question too! The only reason I havent thrown that at him is because I know if I did he would walk out :(

Dont worry, Im sure you'll be a fantastic mum :hug: Its just your emotions are all over the place at the moment, thats what I have to keep telling myself too! I think trying to keep busy helps, I start imagining all sorts of rubbish when Im just sitting around and then I panic myself.

Try not to worry :hug: :hug: :hug:
Aww you poor sole, have a :hug: xx

Im out of the house 7-7 most days working so dont have much time to think then but at night when I am lying myself and things are quiet all I seem to think about are negatives..what if im a terrible mother?..What if we are so skint that we cant affoard the things the baby needs..'what if i get loads of stretchmarks and my OH thinks they're horrid :roll: stupid thoughts. So I can totally understand that your brain must go into overdrive during the day coz mine certainly does whenever im alone.

Think its natural to worry hun, having a baby for the first time is a damn scary thing. Im absolutely terrified!..but everyone has reasurred me that when the baby is here everything will fall into place and come naturally and it will be the most amazing thing kinda hoping that everyones right, everyone says the same so they cant all be wrong xx
It's just all so scary...I'm gonna have a little baby needing me and one day calling me 'mummy'! I love the idea but it also scares me at the same time. I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling like this though!

Thanks for all the :hug: everyone! I used to be so laid back before pregnancy, now I'm crazy and hormonal! xxx
allycat said:
It's just all so scary...I'm gonna have a little baby needing me and one day calling me 'mummy'! I love the idea but it also scares me at the same time. I'm glad I'm not the only one feeling like this though!

Thanks for all the :hug: everyone! I used to be so laid back before pregnancy, now I'm crazy and hormonal! xxx
i feel you on this, we have lots to do and lots to buy, and not a lot of money to do it all with, i am so so happy we are having a baby, but i am also so scared, scared of not knowing what to do, scared of it all really, but i am sure once the time comes we will all be fantastic mummies :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug: :hug:
Don't forget about the Health in Pregnancy Grant, allycat, you should be able to apply for that around now I'm pretty sure it's from 25 weeks. I know it's only £190 and they don't pay it till April, but every little helps and that could get you quite a lot of bits and bobs if you were prepared to go secondhand.
I've had times like that with my oh.
Today I had my cbt counselling session and its all about my crazy hormones and my counsellor said to me. I remember when I had my first baby i was useless, when i picked the baby up the nappy would fall off and getting her into a babygrow i'm shocked i didn't break her.
It was nice to hear someone say that its natural to feel like that, and have the fear of being useless and the strain on a relationship.
Millions of hugs your way. xx :hug:

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